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  • Nov 21, 2021

Full preview and Mini Gif of the Jun Lemon Christmas sticker set 😁

Made some few changes with the second half of the set, such as...

A20, it's still a thank you sticker, but, decided to match it up with A mini Lemon with the other mini Jun

A21, changed it to, lemon taking out a bat from her gift bag (The LINE version will not have the delay part)

A24, Change it to Jun trying to get in to the house form the chimney, but couldn't get in 🤣

Hope you like the set~ I wanted to finish this one first, before working on the webcomic~ since they have a limited time for submission for the Christmas event XD

Thank you.

I will upload the full resolution GIF when the set is released.

  • Nov 11, 2021

First Half preview of the Jun Lemon Christmas set 🎄

Made some slight changes, such as A06. Instead of Jun lifting the mistletoe, I decided to just let it hang there~ I don't know. It seems like it is a ....unnecessary move for a kissing sticker...🤔

A08, since the other 3 are all have scarf related stickers, I tried to think of something else that has scarf related to it~ 🤣

A09, I changed the words from "I am the gift" to "Come and get it" since this seems to be more useful than the other. 🤔 (since saying the word "gift" seems to be limited in gifts)

Hope you like it, will update the post when the full set is finished 😁

  • Nov 7, 2021

For the next sticker set, as I mentioned, will be doing a Jun Lemon Christmas set, since I haven't done one for them yet~ and I just finished their emoji set, might as well to keep it rolling~ 

And of course, as always, the rough sketch concepts can still be edited or changed, during the working process.

though one thing for sure, I don't want to change that 4th row....🤣

(why do I have the feeling they might reject the house one...I mean....if you make a full combination, it is obvious what it is..buuut the sticker alone....I think it's okay?

(then again...they did reject this....and I had to cut out the cuddling part...)



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