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I have a feeling this arc might actually take more than 6 parts XDD

I don't know~ we'll see, (we haven't even arrived Alegate yet)

I really don't want to rush this one just to fit it in 6 parts or less... and I'm having fun with this theme~ and I hope you are as well XDD




Take ya time with this arc. I'm really liking the girls in game avatars. This is a cute adventure and I would like to enjoy it as much as possible.


Haha, me too~XD it's not often I draw Angelia in long hair~ and even Lithana in different race~XD


Lol what this proves is that if molly tried to play Minecraft she wouldn’t know where she’s going XD


Hahaha~ she probably haven't played it yet~XD though the fun part about minecraft isnt is that you explore and not knowing where you going tho~XD (at least when it begins)