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For the next L&M webcomic update C: 

From the start I gave Lili's character the tsundere trope that doesn't know how to cook jack shit.

Some people like that, some people don't, (I personally like it)

But, I also made clear in the series, that she her self acknowledge, that she does suck, and wants to improve.

So, here's the beginning of her starting to actually trying to be better. XD

(If she can get through it....)




I know Fiona is older than everyone else at the apartment but I didn’t think she make Lili look small. Come to think of it. Lili does look kinda small in this chapter. Almost younger


Fiona's around 5'7~5'8 while Lili's around 4'9 - 5 (max) XD

JT Tom

Seeing Fiona go all Gordon Ramsay on Lili is the best shit ever... But it gives me flash backs to basic 😨


Hahaha XD there's another chapter for this~ so she'd be still be screaming for a while XD