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storyboard comic script of the next L&M update C:

Aaron chapters~~~~ LOL, I think Aaron doesn't have much chapters that are focused on him, since most of them are group typed chapters with his friends XD

As always,  the sketch and dialogue lines can still be edited or changed during the working process.   

  • Sticker news

My Angelia got rejected....so it will take some time to get this approved.

the sticker that's got rejected was....

because it's "too offensive"

seriously....? (what kind of a pus...alright...)

Instead of editing the sticker, I'm not even going to bother with the reviewer, so instead, I decided to delete the whole thing and re-upload again, to a have a different reviewer to review it, and see how will it go....

And if it got rejected again...I probably will have to edit this one, and make Lili's face more happy or something, I don't know.

in conclusion, this might take a while..



Lilian Lee

Yay for Aaron chapter and bahahahaa.... for the chapter content 😆😜 setup for adult life

JT Tom

The start of a beautiful friendship


And Seth will be there, waiting for him 😆😆😆😆 LOL