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For the next L&M webcomic update C:

Keep in mind, that this is Erin's perspective, Charles probably really thinks he's doing this with good intention, but in the end, they're still a company, so of course they would want to grow, stay on top and make a profit. so the question would be, if you will trust Hearton Corp to become that massive.

But, whatever you think of Mr. Hearton~ I'm pretty sure...

That Molly is the real evil one here. 😈😈

(Oh, and if you're wondering why Nethra, it's heart in Noldorin, from lord of the rings XD)



JT Tom

Also, in Erin's defense. Any company ending in "Corp" sounds kinda evil.


Unlike his successor 🤣 Oh really? name one! Erin: Luthor Corp. ....Goddammit.


Oof Miya just got friend zoned hard. Someone should get her to a hospital (or a therapist for heartbreak) Also is it just me or is that adult Jun in the row in front of Erin.


she took it hard and silently ....XDD LOL no~~ it's just a random guy~XDD