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  • March 26, 2020

Full preview of the Jun Lemon Message Sticker and PNG link C:

LINE finally starts to accept reviews, but, one thing, I thought this is going to be a 40 stickers a set, but turns out to be a 24 stickers a set pack.

So what happens to my other 16 stickers...? well, I'll have to make more stickers and release it on the second pack next time.

Although, this message sticker IS, better than the custom one, it will auto resize your fonts to fit in the box, so you won't have to worry if you're writing full 100 letters of message, it will fit.

Hope you like it! 

  •  Jan 31, 2020 

  • First  announcement .

LINE is releasing a new sticker system next month,

Called, Message sticker...

So, if I'm understanding this correctly, it's basically like the custom sticker, but better.

because you can write what ever message you want in every individual stickers.

And have more freedom words available to do so.

(While the custom one, only allows you to change one at a time, and changes all 40 of them.)

Since I already made an L&M custom set last time, I was planning to make a custom set for Jun Lemon too, but this new thing just came up, I'll just work on this instead.

I probably will make a mixed character version in the future with this as well.

As always, the sticker sketches can still be changed during the working process.

I will update this post, when the full set is finished.

If you wish to know more about the Message sticker, here's a link. 

  • Second announcement .

I will still, work on Angelia's character animated set of course. so I will work on 2 sticker set this month, Jun Lemon message sticker, and Angelia's second character set.

I just need to get this one done first, so I can catch on the first batch accepting list.

  • Third announcement.

Kazakiri has reached the final chapter, (one more left)

What's next?

As for the next series.

I will start on Silent Smile S2

Though, I haven't prepared Silent Smile yet, and I need to work on extra stickers this month, so I probably will start Silent Smile S2 on March, or latest will be April. 

Also, I'm not so sure with the direction of this yet....it could go light, fun, slice of life, or could go a heavy drama type...and that's the part I'm trying to avoid...I don't want the comic of Silent Smile to be too drama focused... it's a part I would need to take consider.

Any who, that's it for now,  Molly won the poll, and currently working on that too XD will post the COTM soon~!



Lilian Lee

OMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆😆😆😆 yesssssss that plus all your abusive stickers now can have new life and purpose 😝


Not sure with the abusive part...okay, maybe a little bit~XD LOLOL🤣🤣