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Next L&M webcomic update C:

LOL, the fact that Aaron can see through Alicia's motive but couldn't see Maggie and Hila's crush even if it's pointed out for him.



绿豆 彡

dat smiley face on her shirt :D and is that hell's kitchen lol


It's a smiling fried egg XDDDD LOLOL~! I did had that in mind actually~


TINY ANGIE IS TOO MUCH HEARTTHROB. Also for the case of Aaron oblivious to Maggie and Hila i wanna say his sharp wits are more centered towards FIona cause he probably has more experience with Fionas (lets be honest) scatterbrained nature and therefore is acutely aware of how this will end in a bad way that she doesnt see


Haha, yeah~ knowing how Fiona is, he would be more alert and look after her XDD