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Rough sketch comic script of the next update of Kazakiri.

I wrote around 4 chapters script today..and would probably try write ahead as I can with this series, like with Silent Smile.

As you can see...the last few sketches are really sketchy..

the reason for that is, my hard drive seem to be having some problem, because when I tried to copy my last L&M PSD file to my other hard drive...(to have a copy just incase)

(and when I restart, windows was running its repair system)

well the PSD file, is broken...I can't even open it...now Im panicing, because I haven't coppied a spare file of it yet, and its broken... (it's already finished and uploaded..but still)

so...I'm going to use PSD Repair Kit to see if It helps...

So yeah...I need to let my pc do it's job for the night and see how it goes.. 

this already happened twice, last time I have a spare file...

But I'm worried one day I'd be working on a comic, and suddenly my hard drive goes coo coo again....and all the work will just go in drain...

Thank you.



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