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Update : Jan 08 .2019

Woooo!! it's here!!

So I went to the post office, and asked about the ship price , and the ship cost around 2.5 USD if its shipped to united states... it's actually cheaper than I thought. so I'll just set the ship price to 2USD.

but...I'm considering to sell the product for 2.99USD hope it's fair..

As for the store, I haven't uploaded yet. I'll mention an update in future post of I opened the store C:


Here's a video sample of the charm's material. 

--- Dec 21. 2018----

I just got a photo sample from the factory

and looks quite good~ though there are still few things that bugs me a little bit...

  • The eye where it cuts way too much... I asked them to fix that part~
  • Her black clothing, looks a bit too gray, so I asked to darken it up a little bit, not too dark though.
  • And her hair feels a bit too round at the end...they say it's because the charm is too small... so their machine cant make make that... sharp feel on it... (but they say they'll try...so I can only hope the end result is better)

over all, I like it~!

the manufacturing has already started, and it will be finished around 15 days.

I'll post another update when it arrived C:

Thank you.

----- Dec 10, 2018 -------

I basically spent my whole day asking around and working on this, it's been a while since I used Illustrator, so it took me some time to learn it again XD

Anywho, I already found a factory that seem alright~!

I'll still need to get a sample though, don't want them to make 500 pieces of this and  end up not the way I wanted...

I still don't know about the logo at the back, I was gonna write L&M, but thought there are other series too, not just L&M....and it's Sophia, is it supposed to be Silent Smile then!?

At some point I even wrote.."Hearton corp" LOL.....wait, so....Molly's in charge? XD 

The price...

How much I'll sell this... well...I'm thinking maybe around 2USD... (for now)

(The shipping might cost more than the actual item, though it's not really heavy, so I doubt it will cost more than the coaster...and I can send this with ordinary mail, so yeah....I'll  still have to check though...)

I'll update this post when there's any new update about this.

Thank you.




She's so fucking cute I neeeedd herrrrrr

JT Tom

Okay, so they cost about $4.50 each, including shipping. . . Jeez, what a steal. I'll take one.


LOL, yes XD I'm still a bit sketchy with the actual product price though, but probably will be around 2.50-2.99