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Some changes and Sept. Character poll

  • Lili 4
  • Fiona 3
  • Maple 6
  • Molly 3
  • Angelia 2
  • 2018-09-02
  • —2018-09-12
  • 18 votes
{'title': 'Some changes and Sept. Character poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Lili', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Fiona', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Maple', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Molly', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Angelia', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 12, 10, 34, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 2, 9, 22, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 18}


I would like to share some thoughts and changes right now and in the future.  I'll break it down in few topics.

Rewards changes

I removed some rewards on the list, such as...

private stream , monthly thanks on webtoon, and character feature.

I apologize for taking back these rewards that I had set before, the reasoning I have would be....

Private Stream: I don't really stream that often, so I find it not "very rewarding" to be on that list. so I decided just to remove it, and I will just announce that I'm streaming when I do, and maybe make it public. 

Monthly thanks on webtoon: Now, removing this doesn't mean I'm not thankful for you guys, I really appreciate it A LOT. 

So the reasons would be...I kinda feel a little bit of awkward doing it? it's like I'm keep on pushing the patreon, and sometimes when a patreon have some reasons that cant be a supporter anymore, removing the name on the list feels...kinda bad?

It's like saying "oh, you're not a patreon anymore? OFF THE LIST!"

And that person might be been a supporter for months! and just have their reasons to not to do it anymore, I don't know...I feel like a jerk for doing this...so maybe just take it out.

In addition, I only post on L&M...which there will have another issue that I will explain later.

Character feature: Well....since there isn't really a lot of you guys wanted a feature, I just decided to cancel this, BUT, I will still consider this one in the future, and might put it back in other form.

Sorry Tom XD 

The reward list will always have changes, if the reward doesn't do well or there's a better way of doing it, I will change things up a little.

Maybe adding a character request: Alright, this one is new, as you guys knew already, I've been doing some mini art for Instagram whenever I have some time to draw, and quite enjoying it.

I'm considering maybe like...make a post, and you guys can request whomever you'd like to see. and I'll pick one, and draw that, and I mean "anyone", it can be a fan art.

This is different from the character of the month, it's a smaller file, and you guys can ask for who to draw.

Canceling the L&M comic update on 15th

Okay, this might sound bad...but let me explain.

From Start, I was doing stickers and L&M comic , I used to update on 1,11,21 three days a month, which I thought..."I can do more" so I added 15th of the month. and made the comic slightly longer than when it began.

But then, I decided to add "Silent Smile" on the list...which I thought...

"I can do this, let me try this out"

it's only 4 panels, what could go wrong? well....

L&M updates every of the month. average time I need to work is 3-4days, while Silent Smile needs 2days

Okay, this doesn't sound so bad, but there's also "stickers" which I need to do for living. I usually will draw the stickers with the few days of gap before starting to work on the comics again. I'm sure you guys already know that, seeing the way I upload here.

The most busiest time, will be the middle of the month...

Because when I update L&M on 11th, I will need to start right away, for 15th update. but when "Saturday" is nearby, and even sometimes hits same day on 15th" like this month....I'd be like...well f*ck.

It's just too stressful...I almost can't do anything else... especially when I have other stuff need to be done IRL...yes, I still  have one....for now. XD

So I apologize for canceling the 15th update, and I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but I just need some time to breathe.

I draw the comics for fun, and recently I'm feeling very burnt out..

I hope you'll understand the reasoning behind of the cancellation.

Future of both Series

I planned to draw Sara's series next year, after Silent Smile ends on 50th chapter.

BUT, I'm also considering to put L&M on hold, after I draw Fiona's Story line, if you haven't noticed, they're still at the same day when Angelia's waiting for her mom, so after Aaron, it's Lili's turn, Molly and Lithana mini chapter, or Lydia mini chapter, then Fiona's chapter going to the bar.

Okay, L&M on hold,  because Sara's series might not be a 4 panel one like Sophia's, so it will take longer time to draw than Silent Smile's 2 days work time.

There are 2 options, draw L&M in a 4 panel short comic or, Start a series for Jun and Lemon in 4 panel style.

Either way, I will still be working on 2 series. but it's Kazakiri (Sara series) and Jun Lemon  or  L&M Short Story.


So that's about it, made some few changes and might still change in the future, I will keep on trying to work on a better way of handling these.

Do please leave a comment if you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.

And also, don't forget to vote for this month's character illustration XD

Thank you very much for reading and support.



I don't donate for the rewards, I donate for the work you do, so as long as I get my Lili and marigold, and my Sophia, you get your paycheck :3

绿豆 彡

With the stress and work piling up , just make sure to get enough rest and don't push yourself too hard. Once a fan always a fan , we be there for u fam


Hahaha “L&M and Sophia” ohh boi XD both series might hold next year 😵😵 But but the stickers will still have them and and...Sophia have a bit of role in Sara's series 😆


I do felt a lot of it since I added Silent Smile... Almost don't have time for anything or anyone else, I need to balance things up more owoll And I will do my best to not disappoint 😤