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Full resolution and sketch...(really sketchy.. I don't rly do clean sketches that often...)

This is a little older one I did before, just thought maybe posting this here as well.

I'm considering to also post some others that i find alright ~ (not all at ones ofc)

A set by set maybe. 


I'm also considering to start a patreon only live stream...

It's not actually the first time I tried doing this, I tried live streaming few times before... but I just cant continue it....

for one, I don't have that regular schedule on when to start live streaming,..

I'm a lil camera shy well.. you're not seeing my face, but I feel a little pressured when people watching me draw, when they see my mistake and how the god dang can I spend that much time on one LINE!? 

 (I'm always pressured that I need to keep working none stop while live streaming, feels like my boss is watching...and if I stop working for a sec, I'll get called out for slacking...) 

And most importantly... well... I'm not really that entertaining to watch...|||

I mean.. do you really want to see me struggle to draw one line over and over again? 

just a little thought.. I'm still trying to figure out what else I can do here.

well, I have a youtube, and I just did some settings and test, it's working...but still not sure if I'm gonna do this regularly yet, but today, I'll work on the comic, and I'll just let this run care freely (try) XD 





Omg no pressure one of the bonuses of being an artist is that you don't have a boss. Do what you wanna do. But me personally would love for y pi to add live streams for your patrons I'd be so happy just to talk to you!! 😛🙂😅


LOLOL, I know~XD it's just always in the back of my head, that someone is watching, so I get a lil nervous owo" and...I might also not that much of a person to chat either....orz but yes~ I'll consider adding this to be more a regular thing 8DD


Lili drops her popsicle and yet sophia hasn't burst out of the sand to catch it in her mouth? thats messed up


She probably just didnt noticed it~ that's the only posible explaination XDD