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I recently heard about this issue...

Long story short.

Patreon is going to charge users more money, which effects everyone, especially smaller users..

If you need even more clear explanation, here's  a youtube link, says it better than I do.. 

I activated this Patreon account mainly because of LINE Webtoon (English) has a partnership with Patreon, which I needed to have, so I can have a little revenue based on my views. 

And I had this rewards on the side of Patreon, if you're interested to pledge in to support. which I'm thankful for any amount of pledge.

But this new system Patreon trying to push, seems a little scummy?

on surface seems to be good, that the creator is getting more revenue, but it's actually "LESS" if you do the math, because they're charging it on you...

So....I just wanna say, if you didn't knew about this, just feel you need to be informed, and if you decided to unpledge, I totally understand. and have nothing but gratitude that you would even consider to support me here in the first place.

As always, just reading my comics or purchasing some stickers that you like, already is helping me a lot.

Thank you. 


Colby Franks

Is all good jin patreon being scummy is beyond your control


over all, Patreon is a nice place where people can support their fave content creator...(hope they will change their mind about this)

Colby Franks

Yeah no one bad move doesn't destroy all the good they've done but this particular thing is kinda scummy


Indeed, hopefully they will listen to the feedbacks