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Time for the second progress report.

Let's get it started this week. I did a lot.

i added most of the corrected text files thanks to the people who offered help with the grammar this update fixed text amount will be pretty much the demo/trailer + the first level scenes. i add their names to the next change log.

Next time for the game to break the boring gameplay. before we could do houseworks around the house, this system is going to stay but from now on we are going to have another task/gameplay feature.

I call it "Challenges"

It's going to contain

5 Trap Map (You need to avoid it - no second chance to try)

5 Labyrinth Map (You have around 1 minute to find the exit portal - no second chance to try) - Note: I wanted to add timer but because of the map zoom it is not showing or when i try to change the display coordinates it's not following the player so in the end i removed it. Finding the exit is not hard within 1 minute.

5 Puzzle Map (You need to find the correct order (3) all maps have a different order setup - You have 3 chances to try otherwise you fail. )

The new system overhaul basically high risk - high gain (Serpcoin). but if you fail you get nothing. Implementing in progress.

4 animations are done while the vore scenes are different but they are simple.

the mind control similar but the animation is way more complex.

I usually draw 4 frames/animation but because the way i did the mind control its have 10 frames. hardest animation i ever made - i show it.

This is how the animation looks in the sketches.

And this is the result. (I know crazy right?) (Hypnotic Belly Dance - Follow my moves... look into my eyes... you want to follow me on Patreon... ah wait you guys are already doing that dam it xd)

I have not started writing yet, there is still plenty of of work left to do. This is all for the current. report. See you guys in the next week.

Btw I will update the Tiers pictures I hope you guys will like it.


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