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Hi gang. It's your old friend, JL. I'm back with more behind-the-scenes book kickstarter exclusies. Please enjoy this audaciously seductive stack of books.

If you somehow missed it, I have a book campaign launching on April 20.
Check it: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mrlovenstein/mr-lovenstein-presents-failure

That's ONE WEEK AWAY. I started this project in August 2020 so it's pretty surreal to be this close now. We have all sorts of ridiculous rewards, stretch goals, and stunts planned for the campaign. It's gonna be stupid. I also have great news for anyone that backed any of my previous campaigns. If you get the book, you get a FREE GABE ENAMEL PIN! Enamel! The stuff your teeth are made out of!

I just wanted to show my appreciation for supporting me over the years. What better way than Gabe's stupid smiling face. I think I'll make this a regular thing for future campaigns. Besides pins, I wanted share something super secret that won't be revealed until the campaign goes live. This is a secret between you and me. Please don't get me in trouble.

So one of the first stretch goals is a DOPE dust jacket cuz you don't wanna get dust all over your precious failure book. Okay... make sure no one is standing behind you. Take a gander.

It's got a hole punched in it for Gabe to peek through, and completely covered with little fail guys. Look at those sad little dudes falling all over themselves. Precious.

Alright, that's about all I can show you for now. Close this before anyone catches a glimpse or you'll be forced to "take care of them."

Thanks again for your incredible support month after month as I toiled away on this book. I'm going to be super focused on Kickstarter backers and pledges for the next month, but I know that it took the generosity of every single one of you to get this book made in the first place. Not even just the book itself, but every comic that fills its pages. Take pride in that.

Thank you! Remember to keep this a secret or I'll cry.





Generic Hero

Wowf! I'm so excided abbot the book I dun eben mind you took my teef to make the pinfs!


Shut up and take my money!