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Here's a blast from my past. I recently uncovered a treasure trove of old comics I drew in middle school, including the first comic I ever made. I drew it in 7th grade when I was around 12-13 years old (2002-03). My friends at the time had started drawing comics using the video game character, Kirby, as the star. I wanted to get in on the action, but they said they didn't need/want any help with it. I felt left out and a little pissed so I started my own comic that would be the very antithesis of theirs, Anti-Kirby.

Anti-Kirby was the first reoccurring character I made. He had black rubber boots, short stubbly hair, cat-like eyes, and a bad attitude. The running gag was that he made a deal with God that allowed him to come back to life immediately after dying, allowing me to kill him in all sorts of silly ways. I pitted him against Kirby in the very first comic just to really rub it in. It had all of the qualities of a tween's sense of humor, lack of design, and shameless plagiarism.

It was a hit with my friends and I went on to draw a whole bunch more. My friends and I had a healthy competition of one-upping each other with comics, and collaborated quite a bit throughout. We drew them during homeroom at school when we probably should have been doing class work. Drawing these comics was a lot of fun, and the laughter it gave my friends was addicting and motivating. It gave me a lifelong passion to draw funny comics.


Imgur album here: http://imgur.com/a/S2D1k




I love this, Mr. L. It reminds me of the silly comics I did on notebook paper in high school.


I'll adapt the old madman's quote for myself.