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Kyle has entered the What Else Universe. Kyle’s story originated from the comic book artist H3357T, in his story “I Am The Teacher's Chair.”…… I won’t give any spoilers as I highly recommend for you to check out H3357T page to get the full scoop of Kyle‘s story. Though, I will say at the end of the story, a spell was placed on Kyle that will change his world forever. Unfortunately, for Kyle, in my What Else series, things never go out as planned, and in Mitch’s world, the spell leads him to Mitch’s universe as well. The rendering for Burrito Bell part 3 episode is still in process but will come out later tonight or May 1 at the latest. Also, be sure to check out the “I Am The Teacher's Chair” story to get a better understanding of this next episode.

The Burrito Bell story is a 4 part story so there is still one more episode to release. Part 4 will be a continuation of part 3 and will also include scat animation. The target date for Part 4 will be May 17.



Simon L

“I Am The Teacher's Chair” is one of my favorite Comics. Can't wait 🙏🏽