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Firstly, Patreon is rolling out a feature to verify adult content creators, so until my account is verified, posts will be delegated to Discord. Apologies for the inconvenience!

Secondly, I DID get a job and was meant to start this month, but due to the fact I cannot use a chair and am disabled, I will probably need to decline the job. I asked the boss about a chair and they suddenly got really defensive and 'well company policy...hm...I'll get back to you' after discussing the schedule. My husband's coworker *also* got a job at the same place and has been sent his schedule--I have not. So, I think I'm not hired despite getting the hiring congratulations and doing the training and whatnot.

My goal was to get a "real job" so I could do less commissions and focus my time on Patreon stuff. I make around 500+ on Patreon a month before taxes, and that does not cover rent or bills at ALL. As such, I take on comms and then I get behind in work. I was hoping that, with a source of constant income, I could focus entirely on Patreon stuff so I wouldn't need commissions but that's fallen through, so my plans for the rest of the year have tanked.

/Currently/ I have two comms in queue, and a reward from last month. I had to wait for all he declined payment to go through on Patreon's end before I could message the higher tiers (I'll be doing that shortly). My plan was to finish the comms and rewards and then start the job and focus on rewards/comic pages. That has....fallen through, haha.

So, my current goal is to now finish those comms and reward from last month and then start the new rewards. The August rewards may be rolling over into September BUT if I can avoid taking comms for September and catching up on work, then maybe things will be okay. As it stands, I am entirely burnt out and need a break and taking less work will obviously do wonders for that. I gotta sneak in comic pages and timed projects and everything else, too. 

I'm very tired and creatively burnt out, that's no joke.

Anyways, the TL;DR is this:
I'm working on thigns very slowly, and will be trying to make sure I'm caught up on things. I did a page this month BUT I am unsure if I can manage a second. I'llt ry and get a WIP out at least. In the meanwhile, I'll be trying to trickle some Chemical Attraction characters into the mix as a sort of 'drip marketing' hype maneuver. I don't have time for reference sheets but my plan is to post them as I go. Like, a character is introduced and whatever beast they may or may not be will be posted after that page if it makes sense.

That said, I'll be messaging the higher tiers shortly so please hang tight and apologies for rewards rolling over into September. Patreon's sort of dropped the ball so I had to fumble it, too. As always, any questions can be directed at me on Discord or Furaffinity.


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