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For those here, please make sure that your payment settings are up to date. I've had a few people declining for a few months now and sometimes it IS on patreon's side so if you're unsure, check your status.

For those in the reward tiers, specifically the Voidling and Seraphim tiers, if you're unable to pay for the tier or don't want your comm this month, please be sure to adjust your tier so you still have access to the feed and have a slot open for those who may want a slot.

Now for the important news:
I...have a job interview on Monday! I'm very nervous as the last 'real' job I had was when I graduated high school and a bit after, so around 2011/2012. I've been entirely burnt out for years and I figured if I had some consistent income, perhaps I'd be able to relax and draw art for FUN again. I'd have more time to devote to Patreon instead of doing commission after commission and making the burnout worse.
I don't know if I'll get the job since I need to sit down due to my disability, and the job itself is seasonal/temp, so maybe it'll be a nice refresher. Plus, it'd be nice to get out of the house for a while and maybe make some friends?

That said, here's where things are standing.
I am no longer gonna be opening for comms monthly. What I mean is that, outside of Patreon, I probably won't be opening for slots unless money is dire. I'd like to start doing adoptables again and maybe do some bases and such. I love drawing people's sonas, don't get me wrong, but currently it's just been regulars. And while that's fine, it's also a bit stale for me too. I know what my regulars want and that makes the work so simple and streamlined! But it also means that I know what they want and it's like eating leftovers. I hope this doesn't sound rude but sometimes you don't want leftovers, you wanna try something new and freaky off of Ubereats.

I also want it to be abundantly clear to folks that I DO still want to draw. But I'd also like some more time for ME. To study and practice and enjoy art again. When a hobby becomes a job, you start to lose passion for it. And between the NFT and AI bullshit on top of everything going up in prices, I'm afraid for my future. If I could make a living off of Patreon I would be over the fucking moon. Hell, even if I made $1,000 a month I'd be weepy. My Patreon currently makes $400 a month, and I need to use that to pay for my $800 rent, my dog and snake food, my medicine, my dental and medical and--oh wait, I can't. Hence the commissions.

Now, I AM getting a tattoo on Friday, it's something I've been saving up for and paying the tattoo artist bits and chunks from every commission for. And the rest of my comm scrapings have gone to my dog's surgery fund. I wanted something small to celebrate my birthday but that doesn't mean I have a livable wage. Even still is the fact that I'm a bit worried about my own health. My wrist isn't doing so hot and I have no time to rest it when I gotta work constantly.

SO, I guess the TL;DR is I'd love to get this Patreon a lot more active, I'm drawing non-furry stuff I enjoy that doesn't pay the bills but brings back my joy, and I might--hopefully--get a small job. I would love to do comics full-time and ONLY comics but that's a pipe dream I literally can't afford unless I'm making way more cash on here. I gotta work harder!
That said, once payments fully go through (I'll be giving it a few days to make sure folks have theirs in order) I'll be contacting folks about rewards and their 'comm' reward for the month. As always, my DMs and Discord are open for questions.


Cohasset Alicorn

Good luck with the interview on Monday!