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Please log out and back into your Discord accounts to get your roles back! There was an error with the bot and it removed all the roles. You should get your tier role back instantly after a relog!



There still seems to be a problem with the bot. Logging out/back in on Discord did nothing, but reconnecting Discord to Patreon did make the Tier show up on Discord for a few seconds. Then it was gone again shortly after.


The bot problem has been fixed, a lot of the people are getting their reward tiers back. I booted the bot yesterday and brought it back untouched. The only fix for it is to log out, clear cache, and log back in unfortunately. If there's still issues, I'll just have to go through manually and try to guess usernames to Discord ones. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience


Hello~ Just want to let you know i tried removed your discord server, then re-join again, but i still can't see i am your "Monstrous Tier"..... : )


Patreon settings -> Connected Apps https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps Remove discord from Patreon Wait 5 min Add discord to Patreon again This will tell PatreonBot to update you in all discord servers.


I try and try again about three times, it works now~! Thank you~ XD


Thanks Tvorsk! Yeah, not sure what's going on, the bot usually integrates you instantly but it's taking its sweet time this time around.


In my experience, the patreonbot is totally "trigger based", it doesn't refresh stuff on schedule. Only when a person's patreon status changes (supported someone in a tier, registered discord to patreon, canceled either of those) it the bot searches for that user in every server they're both in, and re-calculates the roles. One trigger is "payment processed OK" at start of the month, so in a few discord servers there's a common thing where the same bunch of people are auto-invited by the bot every month, then they leave as soon as they notice...