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2022 is not done taking swings.

My uncle was found dead yesterday in his bed, passed away in his sleep.  No foul play or self-harm suspected. His wife is waiting on the necropsy and understandably, the entire family is upset since he was very young and healthy.  I'm going to continue to try to work but I might need to take a few days off to grieve and help my nana try and get through this.

He's survived by his wife, son, his three dogs, and his entire dog rescue he founded. Really feeling awful because he wasn't visiting for Thanksgiving but was gonna fly to see the family for Christmas and this was the first time in seven years I would've seen him but...thing didn't work out, of course.

I'm very sorry. It's one thing after another.


Cohasset Alicorn

My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your uncle. I'm also sorry you and the rest of the family aren't getting to see him at Christmas after so many years since you last saw him. Take what time you need to be there for your family and hopefully the necropsy proves conclusive on what caused his passing (and that it's not genetic).


My condolences for you and your family. Take all the time that you need my friend.