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Apologies for any errors, I'm on mobile.

Firstly, welcome to August!

Secondly, I'm still catching up on work from before the move. I have one commission left in that bundle and then 3 more recent ones. Unfortunately I need to come up with $1200 in dental before I'm all caught up with my teeth but for now I'm paying for two cavities and then scheduling my final major cleanings in September if I can split them in two.

Thirdly, rewards. I'm going to do my best to get a large chunk done this month. If you've paid for large rewards (monster/seraphim) and are no longer in those reward tiers or lowered your pledge, I'm going to try my best to still get your reward out to you. Unfortunately these rewards will probably accumulate and bleed into a next month but im still optimistic I can get MOST done. Please DM me if I owe you a reward.

For kitsune tier I may need to wait another month for rewards but there's me trying to catch up on larger stuff and one final announcement:

There's a new comic starting but it's not just any comic. 

Chemical Attraction is being rebooted this month. There will only be one page or two max BUT I'd like to start using Patreon as my main source of income if possible. Kitsune tier and above will get pages early as thanks for being generous and beyond patient with me.

Outside of commissions I've been job hunting and doing Twitch streaming to just stave off art block and im pleased to say it's been insanely helpful on my mental state. So. Thank you all for everything going forward another month. As always, comment here or in the server and I'll answer whatever I can.


Cohasset Alicorn

I've tried to catch some of your Twitch streaming as that can be fun to watch. I think you were playing Stardew Valley last time I caught it (I need to go back to that game some time but I kind of burnt myself out on my second playthrough trying to speedrun it).