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Hey y'all!  As most of you know, I'll be moving in a bit less than 3 weeks now, and once I catch up on comms (probably July) I'll have free time.  I'd like to do Patreon stuff full time and would love to work on comics.

I have Hellish Delights going right now, which is a Patreon-semi-exclusive (the pages are posted months later to FA.)

However, if I were to do a comic that's posted, say 2-3 weeks later to FA, something without a feral character, what would you guys want to see?  I'm open to all suggestions and will be considering them all!  

Truthfully, I love comic work but I'm pretty poor at coming up with fresh ideas.  I had considered Were-Lily but I feel like reworking her design and I'm not sure if people are into the idea.  I'd also considered a Talon transformation-centric comic but considering I did Chemical Attraction I don't know if folks would basically wanna see that again.

Also to clarify, I am NOT OPPOSED to creating a character for said comic.  If you wanna see some kind of mermaid comic, for example, I can make a character.  I have dozens I don't use I could refurbish as well, and I'd like to finally utilize cameos as promised.  Since CA was canceled from harassment, I haven't done good on my promise of cameos.



This might be a bit odd, but what if instead of making it a story-oriented comic with cameos, make it about one of your characters travelling and meeting the cameo characters and they get to pick the general theme of that particular page (abiding by previously mentioned rules and all, def don't want to cause a fuss there)


Well, writing / scripting is hard. So, to comment on the other comments, I'd agree that both a "one page one thing" approach, and a "fan service" approach like a TF to savour through might be better choices just to simplify the load. Might also work to have some sort of a collaboration part in the discord with various ideas to be submitted and either picked up by you according to your own preference (for the "one topic per page / few pages" style) or some kind of voting. It's never too easy to reach consensus though so... your own preference might be better arbiter.