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I won't be changing rewards per se.  However, this is going to be the new way I do things.

Every ODD month (January, March, May, July, September, November) will be headshot rewards.

Every EVEN month (February, April, June, August, October, December) will be comic pages.

I can't exactly guarantee I won't need to change these slightly depending on commission work, though for a while, I'd like to take LESS commissions.  I have upped my prices a bit to overcome Paypal's atrocious fees but I also feel I was overworking myself.  More commissions to pay for bills= less time for personal art such as comics and rewards and I feel bad.  This way, I can steady myself and do my best to work on what I can.  This month is sadly full, so some rewards may trickle into October, but I think that'll be my guarantee: all rewards done when I can.

For those in the MONSTER tier, your rewards will also be every ODD month, though I'll do my best to get rewards done for this tier every month since you're all paying a lot.  I had considered a *guaranteed* reward slot but I would feel awful if I couldn't make a reward happen for whatever reason just for someone to pay a lot.  

So.  I hope this is no harm done for folks. I've been trying to pace myself but my medical health is getting worse and because of that, I need money more often on top of our rent increasing.  We're fucked, plain and simple, and it's taking its tolls on me, mentally, physically, and financially.  Anyways, I want to apologize for dropping the ball lately, I'm doing what I can.  As always, complaints and questions and comments can be DMd to me and I'll answer them.

Please feel free to also ping me on Discord or I'll miss the message.



Honestly, as far as I'm concerned it's more than fine. You need to reduce your workload before you fully collapse underneath. And it brings the price/value of patreon rewards at least a little closer to your normal commissions of comparable quality.