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Hey all.

Moved in last week to my friend's mom's house while we try and find a place for ourselves.  Unfortunately, while we were told that they do have internet, they have the crappiest net and it won't even reach our bedroom with a wifi dongle.  Naturally, this is impeding work and it's not like I can just go to a McDonalds or something right now to upload art.

I have one commission left in queue and I'm going to try and get a comic page up this month somehow.  I can work just fine, I just can't *upload* anything unless I'm lucky.  They won't let me direct connect with ethernet since they don't want wires going throughout their house so I'm a bit stuck and I apologize.

I'm doing everything I can.


Cohasset Alicorn

That is very unfortunate and I'm sure frustrating that the internet situation there is so lacking in available options. Hopefully things improve.