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Since our first month--yes, already!--at the new place is coming to an end, all the bills have dropped on our heads.  The turn-on fees, the new account fees, rent, utilities, late fees (because all the bills were due essentially the same day--and that day was on a weekend where everything is closed, go figure--so I've been focusing HARD on getting commissions done so we can afford what we can.

Thankfully, once we get all the bills paid, there should be no more surprises or dreading seeing the mailman come.  Since all the move-in fees and new account fees will be taken care of, the next months things should calm down.

I plan on returning to comics as soon as I can this month.

As for rewards, I'll see when my schedule clears a bit and send out messages.


Cohasset Alicorn

We understand and hopefully things calm down on your end.