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Feel free to skip the fist 20 minutes cause I was toooooo annoyed 😅



Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

I see what you mean about the cameras in the performances but honestly I went back and watched a bunch of the performances again at x2 speed too better tell how different they were and it's pretty minimal the differences. I think it just feels dramatic becausee each team gets "good" angles and in each matchup there was a team with better charisma, skills, facial expressions, or all of the above. Like the judges keep mentioning those are what have impact and help the audience focus during a performance. The teams that just perform well without those extras are hard to focus on during the performance even if they don't mess up. It's not bbad there's just nothing too draw and keep your attention especially so as youu get used to higher level performances. Just good performances start losing impact then and become less interesting to watch. In these sshows everyone can put on an okay/good performance so jusst good comes across as umimpactful. It's why everytime I hear you say "why are they making a big deal of this small mistake it was a GOOD performance?" or "it was OKAY". I'm like well yeah but the point is that's the minimum or even below the minimum standard they should meet on a survival show. They're aiming to become successful idols not just debut. I agree you have to consider training periods and their potential for growth but I think you also forget once they become part of a group they don't train for a while and finish getting polished before touring or promoting after the show even if it's meant to be a group with a longer life like Kep1er. They tend to release music/MVs and promote pretty much as soon as the show ends. I appreciate noticing what they're good at but just wanting to make sure you understand these small mistaks are big mistakes in the minds of potential fans after they debut. Slips, stumbles, voice cracks and such on stage literally go viral and are used by anti-fans to tear down groups and can lead to disbanding or severe loss of popularity and connections in the industry and fewer collaborations. If fans aren't confident the members making those mistakes on survival shows won't make them in the formed group or that they can bring positive benefit that outweighs that to the group or their likeability outweighs that they won't vote for or support tthat member so in a way as much as it seems small on the show it kind of also is a big deal so it'll always get focused on to make sure people know before deciding to support that member. Trying not to ran/ramble/go on forever. I think I failed lol Anyway loving the reactions. I sympathize as a fellow editor.

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

I think the thing to remember with Kahi is she debuted super late compared to most people in her late 20s. She probably finds the attitude of the trainees who have this great opportunity so young super disrespectful to people like herself who struggle and fight for every opportunity they got and to make the most of them. Like you have this great opportunity and you're not putting effort in and laughing at mistakes instead of fixing them like you don't care how good you do, like it doesn't matter if you do well or not. She is kind of strict wth them but I kind of understand too.