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A expand a little bit more on my weird thoughts about Mo-Tak's character in the outro, it's probably nothing but you guys know I tend to overthink these things lol



Marcel Wannieck

Finally catching up with this! I had some concerts last week (Rolling Quartz, xikers, Everglow) that threw a couple of wrenches into my schedule - When you have the actual police cover up everything you do, of course you can go around causing vehicular manslaughter in broad dayligh. - scrambled egg omg 💀 - Your worries about Jang-mul are just giving me Agents of Shield flashbacks. One of the biggest betrayals I've ever seen, like holy shit - Classic Mo-tak. Just fucking off without saying a word. - I feel like the Yung people fail to realise that you cannot neatly divide human affairs from evil spirit affairs. It's all intertwined. - Look how scared the thug is of Mo-tak. Glorious. - How do these higher ups at the police sleep at night? - When even the defense attourney is dumbfounded, you know you have a case of a positively crazy person. - Not just murder but pollution as well! - Oh hi Cheong-sin 👋🏻


i mean, do you even like this show? all you seem to be doing is rag on its predictability and the 'convenience' of the storyline. like, ya? what do you expect them to do to figure this out? i don't want to sound rude, but your constant nit picking is making watching your reactions very difficult to enjoy. i had to stop hotel del luna after the second episode because i was tired of hearing you constantly mention the cgi. if you could try to not be so critical and just let yourself watch the show, you may actually enjoy it. because it doesn't seem like any show meets your high standards.

Daniel Goland

I'm sorry it comes of this way, I do enjoy this show and I absolutely loved HDL, but if some things bother me I think talking about it would be better than me pretending not to notice and then for people to say that I'm just faking it because they can clearly see that something is off. Having some critiques doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the show, as overall I did. I do constantly apologize for the nit picking during some of the episodes, it doesn't mean that I don't like it . For what it's worth, I swear that it wasn't my intention to "rag" on the show as I legitimately DO enjoy it, and I never thought that THAT'S how it comes off.