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Jared Mathews

I'd like to apologize for doubting that you recognized Mo Tak at the beginning. I honestly couldn't tell. A Kdrama that comes to mind right now that doesn't have a completely incompetent and corrupt police force is Flower of Evil. Most other Kramas the police are either corrupt or incompetent if not both. Yeah whenever I've seen idols just randomly pick up a pair of heavy duty scissors to cut food I'm like what the hell is going on. I like that So Mun wouldn't let them erase everyone's memory since that didn't accomplish anything the last time his friend was beat up. I didn't expect the rich counter guy to show up to the rescue. That was pretty funny. Like you said I don't quite trust him yet as he's kind of a mysterious figure that everyone just accepts who shows up out of nowhere every now and then. I wonder if he's really a counter as all the counters are possessed by some spirits and the spirits of the 4 were all involved in the supernatural bully council to expel So Mun and his wasn't there. I really can't stand the parents of the bullies. Oh my child's a sweetheart and he's never hurt a fly. Meanwhile they're beating up little girls to within an inch of their life. This is why I couldn't get into the Penthouse as all of the characters annoyed and stressed me out. Again in all of these bullying kdramas the teachers are complicit. I've never thought of any of my teachers in America as being such spineless cowards. I think that's the key difference. Why are all the injured students being kept at the school. Either send them to the hospital or the police station if they're not seriously injured. The teachers are just trying to cover it up and pretend like it never happened. I was also surprised that the lieutenant told Mo Tak that they were dating already. And Yes I agree that the new junior detective is either a spy or going to get killed off if he's not a spy. I did like the reveal of So Mun's recovery to his grandparents. His leg getting fixed so early on and everyone else finding out about it felt to fast but they were saving the most meaningful reveal for this episode. I enjoyed your reaction as always and stay safe.

Marcel Wannieck

- Very thoughtful of those goons to attack one by one and not all at once - I like that Mo-tak doesn't berate Mun for getting angry. He just wants to make sure that Mun doesn't accidentally kill anyone. Good man. - ACAB. That's all I'm gonna say on this matter. What a bunch of clowns. - Man, I've seen like two scenes with this guy and I already completely love him. - Damn. 50 years old and shredded af. Yu Jun-sang (Mo-tak) really put in the work. - You want good, competent cops in a Kdrama? Watch Flower of Evil. - Some people actually believe that. That rape doesn't exist when you're in a relationship with the victim. I want to vomit. - Revenge?? Excuse me? He was protecting his friends, you idiots! - Superhero landing! - So Gwon might not be dead? Am I getting that right? - They should get that memory guy from Legion. (sorry, I don't know many names, I've only seen four episodes of that show so far)