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crispy chicken

The pretty daughter of the deceased couple is actress Lee Sun-bin. She was an idol before. She's also dating Kwang-soo (the tall guy from Running Man) for a while now.

Marcel Wannieck

- Always good to check out your local businesses. - The guy seems to be into more creative killing methods than just beating on people with tools - Good point. I suppose a spirit getting framed for entering the mortal realm might become a plot point later on. - The visual of him getting banished into the eternal prison reminds me of Doctor Who. When the Doctor banishes the mother of the Family of Blood into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy. - Why is an overgrown 13 year old in charge of a gang? - PARKOUR! - Fun facts about the actors of Mun's school friends. Lee Ji-won who plays Ju-yeon was born in 2006, so she was about 13 to 14 years old at the time of filming. Which sounds about right. But Kim Eun-soo who plays Ung-min was born in 1991. That mf was like 28 or 29, playing a high school student. - Mun, you can stop pretending with the cane. No one buys that anymore. - Vibranium? Is this show part of the MCU too? 😅 - Yup, that big dude is played by an actor born in 1985. 35 years old at time of filming. Definitely not a high school student. - Hell yeah! - If none of those gang members are possessed right now, they definitely will be at some point down the line. - By all means, knock yourselves out. Actually do do that. Knock yourselves right out into the afterlife. - Why is that guy getting off the wanted list? And why is the other officer so fucking smug about it? - Hey, any excuse to show them abs, right? - As someone who has lost a parent last year, that scene hits.