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Discussion of the episode at the end of this reaction :)

PS - Reaction starts at 6:30



fabrice maire

yes for a movie night next week . some suggestion . Outlaw , The Call , the Witch , the Gangster ,the cop and the Devil .


When the show came out, I remember seeing people point out interesting little details of the show, and the ones where the characters' deaths were forshadowed in the second episode literally blew my mind 😅 There's so many other nuances in this show, such as the old man telling Gi Hun his name was "Il Nam", which in Korean translates to first man. This could mean that he was the first player, or it could be a hint that he's the original creator of the games. Also, in the first episode, Gi Hun is passionately betting on the horse races, but then he (and a bunch of others) basically become the horses when they enter the games, as the VIPS watch them and bet on their lives. Along with that, Gi Hun wins 4.56 million won from those horse races, and funnily enough, he ends up being number 456 in the games! And, the prize for the games is 45.6 billion won! There's so many more hidden little details and easter eggs that I'm sure I already forgot, but it's these that really hammer in the cleverness of the show. In terms of the explosion of the glass, I wouldn't say it was a lazy excuse. In terms of story, it did make sense why they would do it: the games are on a timer, so they wanted to make sure that once that timer runs out, no one is left standing on the glass. And whoever is still standing there and hasn't reached a finish line will have the glass explode below their feet. It's just that the ones who made the game didn't think it through that a winner could get stabbed, or just that they didn't care because they most likely would want to weed out the weaklings before the final round anyway (hence why they gave the players knives to fight until only two remain). In terms of the second season, I'm expecting it to be about dismantling the system, though there will for sure be another game. I'm kind of expecting Gi Hun and the cop to team up, perhaps he will find his phone and recover the data for evidence. It was also pretty much confirmed that the actor who plays the cop will return in the second season, so.. yeah 😅 I actually prefer this ending, despite people wanting Gi Hun to go after his daughter, I feel like this one makes more sense. And in the second season, I'm mostly looking forward to Im Siwan and T.O.P!