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I had expected Tsubakill to get at least one judge vote in the Kpop death match, although I’m team BEBE all the way Tsubakill did such a great job. And while Wolflo definitely deserved the win for the elimination battle, Tsubakill shouldn’t have been there in the first place. They were no where near the worst crew on the show and it didn’t make sense for them to be the first ones to go.

crispy chicken

- Nice to see someone mention (the very sad news about) Pink Fantasy. I was very much looking forward to a comeback only to get that sad news 😭. What I read was that they were going on a "indefinite hiatus", so technically that's not a disbandment, but ... yeah. Pink Fantasy has always been a weird group in that it never had the goal to always have the same members. I saw an article that talked about the members all having "graduated". I was already missing SeeA for a while, but now I am gonna miss the rest as well (Yechan especially). - I would've given it to Deep 'n Dap. Lady Bounce was clean, powerful, etc. but for some reason it was a little bit boring to me. Don't really know why. Could be something simple like that they were going 2nd. - I slightly preferred Bebe's Itzy part, and Tsubakill's SKZ part. Tsubakill hit harder, while Bebe look very good in (k)pop choreo. - Again, I liked each group in their own choreo part, but if I had to choose, it would be 1 million. - Since I loved the first part choreo by Jam republic, and didn't like the 2nd part as much, I would vote for Jam as well. - Of course I'm sad that Tsubakill had to leave. But in the end someone has to leave. It could very well be because the majority of voters is probably korean, and therefor korean teams might have an advantage. But the end battle was very close for sure. And the last round, even though it was 3-0, that doesn't mean "a landslide". Every judge could be like 51-49 between them.