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Yeah I was not a fan of the criticism Tsuba kill gave Waackxxxy and Yoongji’s choreography and I think they did a great job. As far as the Latrice and Redlic drama, the two of them are friends now as you’ll even see in later episodes of the show. This is one of the first time I can accept the “pick the easier choreography strategy” simply because the easier choreography was still good, both Tsubakill and Manequeen had strong choreographies for different reasons. I feel the editing on ALL of the Music Videos for this season was surprisingly weak and I think the lighting was not very strong in the cave Music Video and was not a fan of the Cave as a set choice. While Latrice is undeniably a good dancer, she has not shown to be great in a leader kind of position, winning the Main Dance position means that you are responsible for leading, teaching, and directing the rest of your class and Latrice seemed to really struggle with that this episode. Judging from the rest of the dancers it feels like Kiersten ended up doing most of the directing. At the end of the day we all know we can’t trust Mnet’s editing anyways. I’ve been an avid watcher of a lot of western dancers for years, so to me it does feel like Latrice’s personally was portrayed accurately, but Mnet’s editing definitely did not help. I don’t think Redlic deserved the worst dancer position from the Sub Leader class but it’s not surprising, considering her comments to Latrice in the last episode. I’m just glad they were able to clear it up later on. Tsubakill was definitely not bringing the best vibes this episode. I think there’s a clear difference in the dynamic within Bebe compared to the rest of the teams. While the other teams are made up of “colleagues”/people who dance together on equal footing, Bada’s team is made up entirely of her students. As much as I LOVE Bada, I’m not a huge fan of her teaching style. I love the way Manequeen and JamRepublic bonded over their desperation to choreograph Dope.


Isn't tatter and lusher also founding members like bada? They're also known choreographers like bada where as the other members are entirely badas students