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Well, the rumors are that either all 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 or none of the girls have resigned or that they all have. The current fan conspiracy is that Jisoo's dating was fake - the break-up shows that it was all a ploy by YG and/or the government and the media to distract from some evil plot, because there's just no way that a couple might date for a while and discover that the chemistry isn't there and just break up. As to the contract, I find it interesting that YG scheduled BabyMonster's debut for November, and have hinted that BP's contract situation will be revealed then as well. I seriously doubt that YG would mix BP breaking up with BM's debut, since that anger and disappointment would spill over on to BM. It would make sense to reveal that BP had resigned and let the relief and happiness help fuel support for BM. Plus, I'd expect a fair share of support from BP for BM. As someone with experience in public relations, I've determined that YG's P.R. is a clusterfuck. I wonder if they actually have a P.R. team or just assign random people to each issue. It's weird that they are so good - usually - at building pre-debut and pre-release hype and so bad at everything else. Oh well, we play with the hand we're dealt.