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I shared this on YouTube and I just wanted to share it here too, I know that most of the comments were so positive but I guess you can't escape the negative ones. You can't escape it when reacting to music, so obviously you wont be able to escape those comments on a subject like this -

I have never been into politics, and never watched too much of the news unless something was happening, as it does now.  

I don't think that you need to be into politics, that you need to have a "side" in order to realize that what's happening is heartbreaking and absolutely fucked up, on BOTH sides. Death of innocent people has no "upside", there are no "sides" when it comes to the suffering of innocent men, women, and children ON ANY SIDE. 

People made some weird comments about how I deserve this and that they will unsubscribe because of where I live, immediately using it against me and thinking that I'm the worst when in reality, I just want this whole thing to end, I wish it never started, I wish I could just continue making content without any fear of hearing about someone I know or deeply care about get hurt or die.  

Be well and safe, guys, wherever you are, I appreciate you.




When I was in the military, I saw war. I saw soldiers die, I saw civilians die, and I saw both of them wondering why. The majority of people who die in a war are victims of the agenda of people they've never met, and for reasons they don't understand or care about. I'm old, and I've experienced and seen way too much of this shit. Politicians and autocrats with no empathy having dick-measuring contests without caring who has to pay the bill. To the hateful comments: Love and kindness are - though it may not look like it sometimes - more prevalent, but hate is louder. Even in Kpop, you've heard me talk, over and over, about the institutional hate communities within it and how they must be opposed. Hate, left unchecked and allowed to fester, leads to terrible results. Those commenters are sad, twisted, assholes. I've known far too many of them. Their entire lives and persona are based around being angry and hating. That's a sad way to live, and I feel sorry for them. I know it's easy to say, but you need to understand these people, where they're coming from, and know that nothing they can say is as hurtful to you as their hate and fear is to them. They're like someone who's carrying too much weight, who tries to dump some of it off onto anyone they can. Do what you can, enjoy what you can, love who and what you can. Don't let people who are fueled by hate and fear ruin YOUR life any more than they already do. Stay safe, be well.


I don't even understand how people can put that on you as a person. You are not the policy, you make the decisions nothing, you live where you live. Killing innocent people is never right, no matter from which side. The real victims are the civilians on both sides who just want to live their lives in peace. To accuse them now that where they live is wrong and that they deserved it because of their origin/place of residence is total bullshit. In a world that is so fucked up in so many ways, everyone should try to think twice before saying or posting anything on the internet (where it is obviously still so much easier to talk shit). Words can also hurt others. We need much more love and understanding in this world. I'm sorry you even have to look at these comments....