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Hey guys, not sure how many of you know about what is happening in Israel right now but my family and I basically woke up at 6:30 AM to the sound of the sirens to let us know that missiles were firing all across the country, we were basically locked in my room which acts as the "secure room" (for attacks like this) for most of the morning.

Sadly, things have gotten worse around the country as the attacks are not just missiles but also on land, with Hamas literally storming and taking over neighborhoods and firing at the police, trying to get and eventually getting into residential buildings. Many died, many got injured, and some were kidnapped...

Thankfully, I live quite far from the "Hot Zone" but the aerial assaults are very scary and the morning was filled with sirens and the sounds of explosions (thankfully no rocket landed in my city), and the only reason why I risk going outside is to walk my dog (otherwise we were told to stay home). My family and I are safe, probably the safest we can be.

With that being said, I'm not in a good mental space right now to record any reactions and I'd like to ask you guys to forgive me for pushing some stuff around with our schedule.

I'm usually pretty calm because sirens and missiles are something that I'm used to, but this is definitely on another level. I just hope that this whole thing ends as soon as possible.

Much love guys, be well and safe!



Star Dust

Thinking of you! Tomorrow we are having a prayer vigil on campus for everyone over there. 🙏 ♥️


Take all the time you need. Safety comes first. That’s so scary!! Praying for nothing but peace and love for you and your family 💗


It's so sweet of you to care that we're not upset, but we certainly don't matter right now. Please be well!