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This episode was probably what made me fall in love with the Korean way of making these dramas. The way, their lives, their hell was shown was so realistic, so plausible, I wouldn't doubt a few people in my vicinity going through similar shit. At the same time, it was so tragic, that it really touched me. This massive helplessness. It really has this "It could happen to you, too." feeling. It made me appreciate my parents that much more when they lost their business but fought through with smaller jobs until we got back on our feet and still helping me to go to uni.

Marcel Wannieck

- You know what's crazy about Jung Ho-yeon? Squid Game was her first ever acting gig. She's actually a model. And then she just casually appears in the most successful Netflix show ever and kills it! Insane. - Considering the insane number of concerts I go to, it's fair to say that I'm kinda irresponsible with my money too. Luckily I'm not in debt but I should really start and control myself better 😅 - I really like the fact that they actually do terminate the games here. Gives us an opportunity to see how hellish these people's lives are outside. In some cases even worse than within the games. - Man, Ali's boss is a handful. Completely shameless about not paying his employees and doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's playing Solitaire on the job. The fact that Ali hasn't just quit a long time ago says something about the shit situation he's in. - Hot coffee, just what you need right now 👍🏻 - Sang-woo's mum breaks my heart. She thinks so highly of her son and why wouldn't she. But without any idea of Sang-woo's real situation. And now the police have just given her a first taste. - Hey, Deok-su did the thing that professional fighters always tell you to do if a fight breaks out: he ran. - Yeah, money doesn't bring you unlimited happiness but if you're in such deep shit, then money is very much necessary to not be completely miserable.