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Long discussion at the end of the reaction! Hope you guys enjoy this one!



fabrice maire

I saw the film when it came out in the cinema and I went with friends without expecting anything special. and I loved it, I'm generally a very big fan of thrillers, it's one of my two favorite genres along with heroic fantasy. and it's a great film, the actors are very good, the direction is very good and the subject of the film is a social phenomenon in our country. many young people from middle-class families try their luck by selling their services to very rich families, some as babysitters, others as private sports, language or math teachers, but also as drivers, men or women to all do etc... and many manage to pay for their studies like that. fortunately there are few parasites LOL.

fabrice maire

yes Ki-woo the brother is the young baseball player who dies in a train bit by he's girlfriends in Train to busan .


Did I miss something or it's a new format?

fabrice maire

the landlady found people even more manipulative than her. some info on the cast -Ki-jung (the girl) is played by park-so dam, a child star who has been in cinema for 20 years, she is a very well-known actress in the industry, perfect for this role -ki-woo or gi-woo (the son) is played by choi woo shik young actor with also more than 10 years of active career, notably known for his roles in The with and a train to Busan -Ki-taek (the father) has a 30-year career, very well known for his roles as a cop or mafioso, his filmography is too big to talk about but he played in the Host, Taxi driver, memory of murder, snowpiercer, the cop , the gangster and the devil -the house keeper is played by Lee jun-eun who you saw in stranger from hell as the landlady - Mr Park is played by Lee Sun -kyun, another very big name in Korean cinema. He also has a career spanning more than 25 years and has played in many thriller noir films.

Daniel Goland

Yeah, so in between Kdramas I decided to do movie reactions, I started last week with Train to Busan :)

fabrice maire

yes it's a Patrick Bateman card maybe they can have a great meal in a Dorcia restaurant with this card .

Marcel Wannieck

Let's goooo! Parasite is one of my top 5 favourite movies of all time! I actually went into this completely blind on my first watch. I knew NOTHING. Haven't read any comments about it, haven't seen any trailers. All I had seen was one poster and based on that I thought I was gonna get a horror movie. So when I finally did watch it I was so surprised by the absolute mastery of cinema on display here. - Song Kang-ho, one of the all time greats of Korean cinema! You've seen him in Snowpiercer. - Love how quickly the movie makes you understand how poor the Kim family is. - Quick question, exactly how old is Min? And how old is Da-hye? This seems kinda creepy ngl More actors you've seen in other stuff: - Ki-woo / "Kevin" (Choi Woo-shik) → baseball guy in Train to Busan. - Moon-gwang / housekeeper (Lee Jung-eun) → landlady in Strangers From Hell as you correctly identified :) - The pizza manager (Jung Yi-seo) → hall monitor with the glasses in Snowdrop. - Huge contrast between the living situations of the Kims and the Parks. - Yeah, call the housekeeper if you want any snacks. I hear she has some fresh meat in the fridge - "It's a chimpanzee, right?" "It's a self portrait" 💀 - When Min said that the mother is "simple", it's just that: very easy to bullshit her. - I just started watching Snowdrop and I already get triggered by Koreans who say "anyway" all the time 😅 - Yeah, as a second year high schooler in Korea, Da-hye would be something like 16 or 17 at most. And considering that Ki-woo already went through his enlistment, he's probably in his early to mid 20s. I would not condone this relationship. - Ki-jung ("Jessica") has the mum completely around her finger and it's such a glorious sight. - The Parks are honestly so fucking gullible. - You seem to be quite passionate about your pizza. - Yes, the montage! One of the best moments in film history! - I'm legit having a cinephilic orgasm right now 😩 God I love this movie. - And this is the origin story of how a simple housekeeper started a business of murderous studio apartments. - Weird reaction from Park Dong-ik (rich dad) to the question if he loves her wife. "We'll call it love" 🤨 - What do you mean, you're all con artists at this point! - It's quite metaphorical as Ki-woo would point out. The Kims live in a semi basement, at the bottom of their street. The highest point in their apartment is the toilet. The Parks live in a nice house that you reach by going uphill and then up some stairs after their main gate. Up and down. Rich and poor. Visual storytelling. And there is another layer to this a bit later on. - These people do not know how to properly use the word Over on a walkie-talkie. - Water is water. "Fancy" water is a ripoff. And here in Germany, the food safety and quality standards are actually stricter on tap water than on bottled water. I haven't bought bottled water for home use in over five years. - "How could you read her diary" she said as she proceeded to read it herself. - Their plans are just getting more and more elaborate and ridiculous. - And here it is. The big twist! Where the movie turns into an entirely different beast. - Here is that third layer that I mentioned earlier. The rich Park family living in their bright mansion with huge windows and lots of sunlight. The struggling Kims in their semi-basement. Not nearly as nice but they get by. They still have some sunlight. But here we have the lowest point you can reach in society. The old housekeeper's husband basically trapped in a bunker. No sunlight, no freedom, barely any food. - You know how Park Dong-ik commented on the housekeeper always eating enough food for two people? This is why. She was feeding her husband. - Wait, are the Moon-gwang (housekeeper) and Geun-se (her husband) North Korean defectors? I don't actually remember. - Yup, only the half way point. This is a wild ride. - The lights at the stairs! You think they're controlled automatically but no! It's the poorest man in this story manually doing the work for the rich man. - You have some interesting takes there. I have my own thoughts about these characters, why they do what they do and why there are no real human villains in this story to me. I'll get into that in a separate comment. - Ouverrrrrr - What a lovely thought it must be that a middle aged man gets hard from your daughter's panties 🙃 - There is so much I love about the scene of the Kims returning to their own home. It really puts the change of elevation in perspective and how much lower they are than the Parks. Figuratively and literally. Social status but also physical elevation in their home's locations. They just keep going down to get home. - And they arrive to find their home completely flooded. There's a German saying „Das Wasser steht ihnen bis zum Hals.“ Literally "the water is up to their neck." It means that someone is in VERY deep trouble, right before a complete irreversible disaster with massive consequences. I just appreciate the literal meaning here. - You see how the stone is floating? It's hollow. Fake. - Another difference between rich and poor: for the Parks it was a refreshing rain in a summer night. A blessing as Park Yeon-kyo says. For the Kims it was a devastating flood that completely destroyed their home. - Ki-jung was literally stabbed and is bleeding to death. And Park Dong-ik only cares to help his son who just fell unconscious from shock. - Homeboy had his head smashed in and needed brain surgery and the detective is annoyed that he's not quite there in the head. Classy. - Rest in peace, Ki-jung. I feel like out of all the Kim family members, she deserved her fate the least. - Yes, Ki-woo buying the house is just that: a fantasy. Director Bong Joon-ho has actually confirmed that it's literally impossible. Even if he did everything right and worked as hard as he could, he'd need to work 564 years to earn enough money to be able to afford the house.

Marcel Wannieck

Everyone in this movie is a parasite in some way. Obviously it starts with the Kim family smuggling themselves into the Park family home. Replacing the old employees, becoming parasites feeding off the wealth of the Parks. And then there's the old housekeeper's husband who has been a parasite of the Parks for much longer than that. But think about it: the Parks are parasites too. To live their fancy rich lives, they depend on the labour of people with lower social status. They feed off of the work that the poor provide them but at the same time they look down on them. The "smell of the people who ride the subway". Park Dong-ik's insistance on lines that mustn't be crossed. Everyone should just stay in their lane. Do not strive to improve your conditions. Know your place. But why? Why would a family like the Kims not strive to improve their living situation? They start out the movie jobless and living in a semi-basement. Sure it could be worse (bunker) but I don't fault them for wanting a better life. The only thing I could fault them for is their methods. Fraud, basically. But here's the thing. Honest people do not climb the social ladder. Not in a capitalist society. And especially not in a place like South Korea. The only thing that lets you climb is corruption. And with more power, more status you lose some of your humanity. This is beautifully shown in the first scene in the bunker. When Moon-gwang is merely pleading for Kim Chung-sook to let her husband stay and give him food, Chung-sook already considers herself superior. She's employed. She's not living in a bunker. Why should she help people who are below her? But that's just it. She's not that much better off than them. And had she agreed to help (and had the rest of the family not tripped), the entire disaster at the end of the movie maybe could have been avoided. Well, not all of it. The Kim's home still would have flooded regardless. But as we see at the end, Ki-woo and Chung-sook are still living there. It wasn't destroyed completely. Let's take a quick look at where they all ended up. Ki-woo and Chung-sook are back where they started. Ki-taek, the father, is stuck in the bunker. Arguably worse off than he started. Ironically fitting as he was the one in the family that fit the rich lifestyle the least. And Ki-jung is dead. The one member of the Kim family that actually convincingly fits into the rich society, is the one that was murdered. I mentioned this before but I truly don't think that there are any human villains in this movie. Maybe Park Dong-ik at most with his over the top distain for poor people and their "smell". But everyone else is just a product of their circumstances. The Kims want to improve their social and financial status. Decades of honest work haven't brought them anywhere so they resort to fraud. The Parks being born into a rich and comfortable life, having no idea how it is for those less fortunate than them. Even someone like Geun-se who stabbed and killed Ki-jung. He was brought to the brink of insanity by living in a bunker for four years and having to watch his wife bleed out and die in front of him. No wonder he exploded like that. The true villain of Parasite is wealth inequality. Capitalism. A system that creates an ever growing gap between rich and poor. Where the rich metaphorically feed on the poor and their labour to sustain their lavish lifestyle. Where the poor are forced to become parasites of their own if they want any hope of escaping poverty. Because honest work will not get them there. Not as long as problems like inflation, the housing crisis, greedy corporations not paying fair wages and more continue to exist.

Marcel Wannieck

Could you also add the "Movie Night" tag to this post? So it's grouped together with all previous and subsequent movie reactions


Poor people smell is the worst...

crispy chicken

- I'm in the exact same position as you: I wanted to see this movie for a long time now, but somehow still haven't. - "you read her diary? You scumbag!" - proceeds to read the diary as well 😅 - "if I had all that money, I would be nice too" - shoves away the dog 😅 - "that's kind of ironic how those 2 shots correlated". That's an interesting reaction to seeing vomiting and shit-spraying 😅 - Like I said, this was my first time watching this movie. In fact, I didn't even know what it would be about. I had some ideas, but none were even close 😆 - I very much enjoyed the movie, but I have to be honest that I expected a little more from a movie that won 4 Oscars.

Marcel Wannieck

Here's something I just found. Park So-dam (actress of Ki-jung) together with Mamamoo Solar: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvhiZEiyu2e/ Has nothing to do with the movie. I just came across it and thought it was kinda neat :)

Jared Mathews

Yeah, Solar and So-dam were on some kind of camping show together and became friends. Solar interviewed her on Solarsido and she even did the most recent mamamoo+ dance challenge with her.

Jared Mathews

I saw this in theaters after it won the oscars I think. I had no clue what the movie was supposed to be about only that there was a twist at some point. So when the movie started and Min gave them the rock I thought it was some kind of meteor chunk with an alien parasite on it :) Park So-Dam(Jessica/Ki-jung) was my favorite character in this and the only likeable person in the whole movie exempting the child. I'm from Chicago and went to Illinois State University so the fact that out of all the schools in the US they picked mine was hilarious to me. Also the "Jessica Jingle" went kinda viral when the movie came out. I was very shocked when she got stabbed as she was the only character I got attached to. The rich dad is in My Mister with IU which you haven't seen. I don't really care about the oscars but all of Bong Joon Ho's interviews were hilarious. His translator was perfect. I watched most of his interviews on YouTube before seeing this. I'm glad it won. I'd rather you pause whenever you want to. I know the don't ever pause anything people exist on Youtube but if they just want to see people make funny faces and not say anything I doubt they're subscribed on patreon. I really haven't seen many Korean movies. I mostly just watch K-dramas so I'm excited to see what's next after the next K-drama. I've used your polls as recommendations before if something I've never hear of gets tons of support I'll give it a quick google and see if it looks interesting so now that the 2 most popular movies are done I'm interested to see what else is popular. Loved the reaction as always and I'm rooting for Flower of Evil although there are lots of good choices in the poll :)


I was going to jokingly recommend a funny but 18+ rated movie called Casa Amor when you were asking for movies to watch. What a coincidence that the actress that plays the mom here stars in that movie as well. It's a fun movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4455690/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_10_act


How did you not notice the brother is the baseball guy from train to busan?


Yup! Sodam and Solar are good friends now after that camping trip. Besides the guest appearance on Solarsido and TikTok challanges, they also constantly comment on each other ig posts.

聖峯 汪

damn 41:56