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MBTI is the new astrology - it's, for most people, pretty harmless. These girls are in a class of people who, because of being forced together for so long under difficult circumstances, and being under such constant scrutiny, have had to get to know themselves really well and be okay with that. In psychology, self-diagnosis is frowned upon. People make it fit what they want it to mean, just like astrology. Still, like you said, these girls are always entertaining to watch. The funniest thing was when they were talking about becoming a cockroach and Jisoo said "If you see a cockroach and it's crying, it's Rosie."

crispy chicken

- Whenever I hear "My Way" I think of Dreamcatcher's song "My Way" 🙂 - This episode is so wholesome and relatable, and also so nice to see more Rosé. Especially this combination of Rosé and Jisoo because I feel like I haven't seen it that often (usually it's Lisa and Rose). - They already talk fast, so the subs are already fast, and then the editing makes it even faster, and then they even add extra info in the subs, and then with DG talking over it, it's all getting a bit too much to follow at times 😵‍💫 - About the I vs E thing, there seems to be this notion that I's are non-social quiet people. But that's not correct, just like we see here with Jisoo. It's more about where you get energy from (hanging out with other people or being alone for example).


Whenever I hear "My Way" I think of Frank Sinatra. Yes, I'm actually old. ;)