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Long intro ahead where I kind drift off a little as I'm having a migraine while recording this lol, reaction starts art around 9-ish minutes.



crispy chicken

- Suddenly there's a woman living on ground level at Eden? Have we ever seen her before? First I thought it was the Land Lady. And only now she's complaining? To John Woo? A tenant? - John Woo, a glitching tv 😆 I like that analogy. - Oh, the ground level woman makes another appearance? Strange interaction though 😬 I mean, aren't they living in the same building for quite some time now? Would you let yourself be taken away like that? - Yeah, the mom call was very endearing 😢 That, together with his realization what was probably going on at Eden with the rapper, you would think he's regained his sanity. - Buuut when a police officer, who has always been nice to him and has stressed that he should contact her if anything comes up, calls him he doesn't pick up? Really? Another timely glitch? Also, after the mom-call, he just dropped the whole rapper-saving? - Taxi's were never that readily available when I was in Korea 😅 - The army friend had the whole ride the time to call the cops, so he better has done so. - Now that you mentioned the fortune-telling lady, nobody has reported her missing? No investigation there? - Yeah, I'm also looking forward to the end. I like that the show has been picking up some momentum. And since the number of missing people has been increasing exponentially, it would have been very unbelievable if this would have gone on for another few episodes. I'm also currently rewatching Goblin. It's quite funny to see the dentist in 2 totally different roles at the same time 😄


I never thought about it, but the: 'you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain' is a pretty accurate explanation for the rapper boy's character significance, it might just be what they were going for - the similarities as well as the contrast between Jong Woo and Seok Yun seem to be there for a reason. The title for this episode is 'cognitive dissonance', I wondered what it means, 'cause I actually never heard the term before, but it's a pretty common thing. It's the discomfort you feel when your actions don't align with your values or beliefs. For example, you want to be healthy, but feel too lazy to exercise and then feel guilty when you gain more weight. You want to build up some savings, but you keep spending money on meaningless things, and then you face a crisis when you don't have enough to cover important expenses. You want to be a good person with good intentions, but keep doing things that hurt others, etc. I could see how Jong Woo would have this. It's not a mental illness, it's more of a psychological phenomenon. I actually don't know if this show has any explanation from directors or stuff. I know there's a lot of different theories on the internet, and Behind The Scenes videos, though I never watched them. The only thing I know outside the show, is that the actors of Jong Woo and the dentist have a pretty sweet relationship, that they became close before the filming even started. I've also heard that a lot of the things written for the show are very different from the source material (the webtoon), and some characters/plots are completely new. The reason the reaction to this show is the most fun is BECAUSE it is the darkest. Reason being: the darker it is, the more humorous you have to be to stay sane 😅 I often think about SFH being an interactive choice based horror game with sanity and stress meters where you get different endings based on your choices, I don't know why, but it would be really cool 😄 You know, I never noticed this, but Jong Woo really does love sitting on benches, huh 🤔 Yeah, things don't look good for Jong Woo. He attacked his coworker, was always seen arguing with the CEO, even the day before he died, he went to the police station for beating up those kids, the woman has seen him enter the studio with a knife, he acted weird at the funeral, and now has been seen shouting 'I will kill you' in the phone in front of the whole pub 🫠 And I'm not even going to mention all of his creepy bench moments... P.S.: I'm definitely recommending Forgotten and The Witch now 😆

Marcel Wannieck

- The layout is good but for a show like this a darker border would probably be more fitting. And I'd maybe make the circle with your face just a tiny bit bigger. - Why does Jung-hwa keep doing this alone? - What a roller coaster with Seok-yun. From thinking that he died to not trusting him because he might actually be one of THEM to realising that THEY are using him. Poor guy. - Jong-woo has the problem that no one except Jung-hwa ever believes him because he just can't stop behaving like a madman. - I don't have that much to say on this episode except that Jong-woo is kinda very fucked.