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Posting this slightly earlier than usual cause I'm dealing with some things which is why I haven't done a YT reaction in a couple of days and I just wanted to get this out now in case I won't be able to do it on time tomorrow, hope you enjoy!




Oh my god, I did not expect this surprise! It's perfect, because I had a day off today, so I could just chill and watch you 🥹 When I saw the notification I rubbed my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming 😅 I would honestly love it if you watched Squid Game next, I mean, the show is so iconic that it feels like a crime against humanity that you hadn't watched it yet 😭 I was actually thinking about suggesting it next, but I thought you would want to watch something lighthearted after SFH haha. Also, the actor who plays Jong Woo in this show (Im Siwan) will be one of the main cast in the second season of SG so that just makes it better 😁 I'd definitely watch your reaction to Parasite. Since you're suggesting watching two movies next, I want to ask first: have you seen 'Forgotten' and 'The Witch: Part 1. Subversion' ? (Both Korean movies) If not, I was going to suggest putting those on the poll in the future 😁 When the dentist told Jong Woo 'I can be anything you want' he said jagi again in that sentence, so he called him honey there. In the previous episode, Jong Woo told the rapper boy that the dentist always calls him honey, but when I first watched it, I was like - where? Because the subtitles never show that word. But rewatching it now, knowing the word, I'm hearing just how many times he really says it! My first time watching this episode, I was screaming at my TV the whole time! First, I never understood why Jong Woo just made those weird faces at the cop after the dentist came for him to the police station. I was losing it, just asking myself: What is he doing? Why is he making that face? Is he in pain? Can he not talk because the dentist stitched his mouth shut? 🤣 Second, I was mad at rapper boy for hanging out with the people at the studio despite Jong Woo's warnings and everything he's seen so far, and eventually investigating the fourth floor after his terrifying encounter with them! And third, I was furious with the useless detectives for refusing to investigate! Only on my second watch I peeped that Jong Woo didn't change his clothes, or wash his face! So, after beating up those kids, he just went to bed without washing his face, brushing his teeth, taking a shower, and then he just woke up and came to work in the morning (so he wore the same underwear two days in a row), and he only came to work to beat up his coworker. But honestly, I only lost all hope for Jong Woo once I saw him get in bed with his shoes on 😬 I would not eat anything from that tank top guy's hand! We all know what those hands are doing all night, and I just know he doesn't wash his hands either 🤢 The rapper boy was my favourite as soon as he showed up, I loved the cheery vibe he brought to the studio, though I had a prediction from the moment he showed up. Since he only appeared towards the end of the show my guess was that he will either end up being evil like the rest, or dead. Either way, I didn't have high hopes for him 🥲 The CEO was pissing me off the whole show, but I didn't feel good about him dying either, though the way Jong Woo was acting, I was kind of expecting him to get attacked. In the pub, he was clearly talking down to Jong Woo, because he feels superior to him (though I still feel like the CEO also made some good points).


I think the translations are a bit off, because I watched this show elsewhere, and I can see that some of the translations are wrong, and they're leaving some words out ( for example Moon-jo often says the word "jagiya" meaning honey, like at 46:37, but as you can see it is not translated).


I think when I watched it on Netflix, they left it out too

fabrice maire

i will not spoil you DG you're prediction make sens so let's see what's happen .

fabrice maire

yes i got the Hannibal reference . it's an amazing show . maybe one of my favorite western thriller show with DEXTER .

fabrice maire

lol no the trad are no good the guy stay at the hospital for few hours not weeks .

fabrice maire

a few words about the relationship Jong woo and his boss. so first thing it is true that he was very tolerant with jong woo. any Korean boss would have fired him a long time ago. Jong-woo is not very proficient at his job, he is very angry and disturbed, and he actually has a serious inferiority complex. Now the question is why is the boss still keeping him? is it out of pure kindness because they are childhood friends, is it because he wants to look good on Jieun in order to seduce her, or is it because Jong woo is a labor force? cheap for him?

fabrice maire

Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis. basically talks about the absurd transformation of his main character Gregor into an insect. but gradually we realize as a reader that the "transformation" is rather that of those close to Gregors who completely change their attitude towards him. while Gregor, even if he has changed drastically physically, he has not changed at all in his personality. this may be a clue to the situation that Vie Jong woo. it is obvious that there is a transformation of Jong woo from the beginning. physically he looks crazy and scary. but psychologically has he always been like that or is it the people he met in the residence that have transformed him?

Marcel Wannieck

Yes, I like the movie idea! Parasite was gonna be my top suggestion anyway :) Only Kdramas with one season, huh? Well I guess I can never suggest Dark here 😬 German show with three seasons, 26 episodes. But in all seriousness, I know that this is a channel focused on Korean content so even if Dark was on a poll, it would never win anyway. I just can't stop myself from recommending this show to everyone on every possible occasion. It's easily the best show I've ever seen. - If you aren't already afraid of dentists, this show will make damn sure that you are by the end of it. - I'm so sorry for confusing you about lords and ladys 😅 I can be a bit insufferable about language sometimes and I need to stop doing that. - Hey at least Jung-hwa isn't alone this time. - An angel of death if anything. - I've watched enough Wendigoon to know that irl detectives can be even more incompetent than this. - Jong-woo is just completely gone at this point. - A few weeks doesn't make sense. Jong-woo didn't even beat Byung-min up that bad. Is that a mistranslation? - Here's the ONE time I'm actually glad to see the dentist. God knows what Jong-woo would have done to Jae-ho when even Ji-eun isn't able to stop him anymore. - JONG-WOO YOU IMBECILE. STOP ACTING ALL CRYPTIC. - So instead of calling the police, the reporter wants to use Jae-ho's murder for a story? Why is everyone in this show so awful? - Welp, rip to Agust D jr. 🫡

crispy chicken

- I would also be happy if both Train to Busan and Parasite would win. - Your hair looks good 👍 - This episode has made me lose the rest of my believability in Jong-woo's behavior anymore. On the one hand they are trying to sell that he has lost his mind while on the other hand he is sane enough to tell Eunji he is scared and doesn't want to go back. Sure, they have been showing for 8 episodes long things that are the cause of him losing his mind, and I buy the fact that he snapped. But the whole selective muteness? Nah. His whole attitude changed too radically for me after the dentist found him. - So I've now pretty much lost interest in the John-woo arc. - My interest in the detective arc got even higher though. Looking forward to more of that.