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As someone who lives in an area where there's kids screaming outside constantly, I feel for you and your neighbour situation... I guess you could say these neighbours are straight from hell 👀 Is it weird to say that my day gets better when I get to watch your reaction to this messed up show?... Though to be fair, you do make the watch feel more lighthearted 😄 The 'wrapping bodies' joke did catch me off guard, I genuinely wondered what you were going to say and then just snorted😂 I love how when the pervert took those women's tights you asked what he's going to do with them 🤣 Well, he's not gonna wear them, that's for sure! (I think) But no, seriously, I noticed that at the beginning of the episode he's seen sniffing women's tights in his room, and there's shown to be a bunch more on his table, suggesting that he does this quite often. And what's worse is that there's definitely some men out there who actually do this. Ew. Regarding the ankle monitor, I'm sure if the police woman would of seen he has that monitor, she would probably get the rookie cop to look the man up for her, but I don't think these two have met and she definitely didn't see the monitor. Honestly, I'm not even surprised at this point that Jong Woo would come to his own conclusion about his girlfriend and the boss, he does seem very insecure, especially around the CEO, and especially in this current state he's in. Since this episode, I started calling the new resident 'rapper boy'. My first time watching, I found his scenes with Jong Woo refreshing, I wasn't thinking much about his weird personality (like being cheerful in this place), I was just happy to finally get some comedy relief after all the trauma 🤣 And yes, the dentist definitely gave off possessive boyfriend vibes, but it's funny that you mention it, because most of the SFH fandom actually ships Jong Woo with the dentist... not that you needed to know that, lmao. I'm noticing there's a lot of gaslighting going on in this show, no wonder Jong Woo's sanity is dropping faster than a ride at an amusement park! Those random kids probably weren't Jung Woo's worst enemy, but they were in the wrong place at the wrong time (just like that keyboard). I still think it would've been a worse punishment for them if Jong Woo actually agreed to take them to his place. Anyways, I already can't wait for the next one 😁

crispy chicken

When he had to convince the landlord lady about seeing tank top with a knife, I thought: check the cctv footage. Should be so recent that nobody could have tempered with it. When he was searching for the knife I was convinced that they were also going to Jong Woo's room, and then found his knife, because he actually bought one. It is a strange coincidence isn't it? Tank top guy was never seen with a knife before. Only when John Woo bought one, suddenly tank top guy has one 🤔 We left the policewoman at the dentist 😩, and then we see the dentist a few times afterwards, but they left us in the dark about the policewoman 😢 Almost all of these characters seemed to be designed to piss you off. But your biggest hate reaction still belongs to mnet 😄

Marcel Wannieck

- I've been on a huge Game of Thrones binge over the past week, feels kinda strange to watch another show now. - No, the ladies' floor is the 4th floor. The basement is the basement. Underground. - If you don't know about the murder then yes, I suppose the dentist is kinda handsome. - I keep putting the songs you recommend in my watch later. I should actually listen to them for once 😅 - I don't think cannibals care much about health codes. - The fuck? The thug is still alive? - Blackpink – Playing With Fire - Moved out of life, if anything. - Classic. The person you're talking shit about is standing right behind you. - Yeah, at this point Jong-woo is honestly beyond help. - One tiny thing: it's only „landlady“. You always say „landlord lady“ but that's redundant.

Daniel Goland

Tank Top guy might have a thing for wearing those tights, and perhaps some shoes to go with it, why not make him even more creepy than he already is, just picture it 🤣 I'm glad I manage to make this show feel a bit more "light", humor has always been my coping mechanism muahahaha so I can't react to these kinds of shows or any super dark shit without taking some shots and making it "funny" lol