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crispy chicken

- Just a minor thing, but since you are referencing your other reactions, it would be nice if the uploads were in order (youtube as well). Like I said, it's a very minor thing, which you can easily ignore if you want. - Jisoo went undercover as "Jisoo" 😅 - Tekken? Reminds me of Sua imitating a drunk Tekken character 😄 - There are quite a few idols who I'd watch if they did a mukbang


I have been playing Blackpink the Game and so far I am enjoying it without even spending a single real-world currency. It's entertaining. Also, the girls have been known to read through social media secretly. From what we know, they have private social media accounts. There were clues that they know what's going on because there are times when they even repost clips or photos from fansites and other accounts.

Daniel Goland

If you mean order on YT as far as playlists go then sadly I can't do much about it, I tried many times to put everything in order, and for some reason, YT messes it up, and all of the videos always end up in a random order. As far as Patreon goes, I hit "post" on all videos today and it kind of randomly scattered them, that's my bad unless you mean something else in which case apologies if I misunderstood, feel free to let me know.

crispy chicken

No I think you understood correctly. I think you filmed this first and then the other BP videos, whereas the order (from bottom to top, oldest to newest) is the opposite: this video is "on top" of the others. I usually want to watch them in order to get your references.

Daniel Goland

Oh yeah, that is correct I filmed this first, I just hit "post" on all of the reactions at once without thinking about the order, my bad!


You shouldn't watch kookielit - they're a gossip channel that specializes in promoting unfounded "rumors" or "scandals", most of which have no basis in fact, just fan speculation, and most of them are about how this Idol/group sucks. I stopped even clicking on them way back. BeBoss is another one, and there are a few more that are the most popular of the channels that promote the negative stuff. These rumors are baseless - no one knows except YG, Blackpink, their lawyers. For instance, the rumor that Lisa hadn't signed came from an anonymous Chinese source, who later was forced to admit that it was just their best guess. Since I'm not privy to all of the inside info, I've always said that I could be wrong, but the fact that, at this point, YG has issued statements - twice - that contract negotiations are ongoing, it means that no one, at this time, has walked, and them saying that negotiations were going well means that they MAY be down to relatively minor issues, or a few sticking points. Like you, I'll wait and see, but I still can't find any way that either YG or the members would be better off if they don't come to an agreement. Adding that a metric I'm using is that, in their latest performances (like Paris) and interviews, none of them is showing any sadness about BP no longer existing in the near future - these girls are emotional, and I think that if it were all over at this point, there'd be some indication, but, so far, there isn't.