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fabrice maire

yes DG you are right I think that since you have plunged into Korean culture you have only seen the good sides of my country for the moment. but some drama shows the darkest aspects (which are fortunately not numerous) this series shows the somewhat sad side of our society there are many residences or guest houses in South Korea from places where vacationers or temporary residents come live for a few months. if the very large majority of these residences are very well maintained and very peaceful or even friendly. there were stories like this where some residences were so dilapidated and dirty that very poor people lived there in pitiful conditions.

fabrice maire

i'am an animal lover i have 2 dogs and 2 cats and i got many more during my life .It is one of the worst aspects of our society. we have many abandoned dogs and cats in south korea. For decades dog meat was allowed in South Korea and many markets sold dogs to be eaten. but fortunately this practice was banned several years ago. despite all, several clandestine refuge continues to sell dogs and cats to be eaten. Since 2021 the consumption of dog meat has also been banned in South Korea. for the cats many elders think that they are too numerous and that they are a nuisance so they poison their food. for other cases it is psychopaths who shoot cats with crossbows or bows for pure sadistic pleasure

fabrice maire

the dead guy is now really famous in korea he play Ally in a very famous show Squid Game

fabrice maire

I suspected it DG you have very good instincts the actor who plays the dentist Lee dong wook would be perfect to play the Korean version of DEXTER.

fabrice maire

Ji-eun the Jong woo's girls friend look like RYUJIN from ITZY i notice that immediatly when i watch the show for the first time even if i don't stan itzy because i was a fan of her during the survival show mixnine .


When it comes to the names of the characters, I don't think I got myself to remember their names either, other than Jung Woo (MC), Ji Eun (MC's girlfriend), Mr. Shin (MC's friend). I referred to everyone else in my head as: the dentist, the twins, the cop lady, the landlady, the pervert, etc. etc. and I think that's fine, 'cause you shouldn't be too confused on who they talk about. But if you want to know the names, here goes: Jung Woo - The Main Character (Unit 303) Ji Eun - Jung Woo's girlfriend Seo Moon Jo - The dentist Ms. Eum Bok Soon - the landlady Jung Hwa - the cop lady Nam Bok - the pervert (Unit 313) Deuk Jong and Deuk Soo - the twins (Unit 306 and 307) Ki Hyeok - the now dead creepy resident (Unit 302) Ahn Hee Jong - the gangster (Unit 310) Shin Jae Ho - Jung Woo's friend/The CEO Byeong Min - the weird a-hole at work Yu Jong - the girl that flirts with Jung Woo at work When Unit 302 was killed by the dentist, I was actually quite disappointed because not only I really liked this actor (despite this being my first time seeing him), but I loved the role he played in the show and the air of mystery surrounding him. He felt like a character that would be an integral part of the story, and I was looking forward to seeing more of him, so when he died so soon, I was shocked at myself that I actually missed him 🫠 Someone correct me if I'm wrong (because I don't speak Korean) but at 1:02:31, after the dentist told Jong Woo he had a thought when he first saw him, he proceeded to say: "That you could be the same type of person as me." I could have sworn this time around that he said 'jagi' at the beginning of that sentence, which means honey, so he would of said: "That you could be the same type of person as me, honey." I didn't notice this when I first watched it, but I watched a lot of K-Dramas and consumed a lot of Korean media since then, though maybe I'm just mishearing things 🤔 Also, funny thing is, I'm watching this right before going to the dentist, to get a root canal too, but when I watched the show the first time I legit had no clue what a root canal was (or that the coplady had it done in the first episode)! I find it interesting that you only now mention that Jung Woo's girlfriend looks like Ryujin, everyone else who watches the show mentions this as soon as they see her, so I thought you would too 😅

crispy chicken

- yeah, I had the same. The first half was slow, but also very ... how do you say it, dreary? a drag? negative? uneventful? hard to get through? I mean, it seems like almost everybody tries very hard to be an a**hole on this show so far, which doesn't really make it very enjoyable to watch. - I liked the female police story though, so for that alone I'll keep watching. - also, the second half had more action/events which made things interesting. - I can't remember if the main character had already met that dentist before. He didn't seem that surprised when he saw him in the roof, and didn't ask if he was also a tenant.

fabrice maire

the dentist call him honey not in a "romantic way" it's way more creepy and weird . he is not gay it's something else you will see .

Marcel Wannieck

I'm VERY intrigued by this show. - Hard disagree with the landlady. The thug is probably the only sane person in this house next to our MC Jong-woo. - I really hope that this is a show where the police are actually policing. - Oh man, even the company has a weird vibe about it. - Someone in that police station please take the toy gun away. - Okay, so police aren't policing. Wonderful. - Wait, isn't that missing person the actor who played Ali in Squid Game? - Welp, RIP to the only normal person in the house. - Oh my god this is the most disgusted I've ever seen you 😅 - Great, even the dentist is one of them. In fact, he seems to be the head honcho. Yeah, I'm confused af. Me being very tired is probably not helping 🥸

Veronika (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-27 18:31:11 Love this show so much <3 the actor who plays the dentist is Lee Dong Wook I honestly would recommend any drama from him he is such a great actor
2023-06-27 15:10:29 Love this show so much <3 the actor who plays the dentist is Lee Dong Wook I honestly would recommend any drama from him he is such a great actor

Love this show so much <3 the actor who plays the dentist is Lee Dong Wook I honestly would recommend any drama from him he is such a great actor


Yeah, don't expect any policing in this show, they will be completely useless until the very end :) And yes, the missing person (the dead guy) is Ali from Squid Game, though DG doesn't know him 'cause he hasn't watched Squid Game yet.


If you see, the guy who was killed by the dentist is somehow like Jungwoo, or that's what i want to think, like he was a normal person with a work, with aboss, with a bad life and he was so stressed and so crazy that in some point the dentist influenced him to be a killer, and i think that he was to do to Jungwoo turn him into a killer and complete his art with him.

fabrice maire

no you're right he call him (jagi)later on a show the dentist will use multiple time on multiple people some words like ( jagi ,yobo,) honey , my love etc...

fabrice maire

you will see but in fact the police will investigate multiple time on this "residence" they alreay do. 2 police officer are really invole in this residence one is die the other is the young police officer she's really to cute to be a police officer XD. let's see what's happen next .

Marcel Wannieck

Guys, please don't spoil the show here. When I ask questions, I don't want any answers unless they ONLY relate to stuff that has already happened.


Don't worry, there is no spoiler really, it's just a fact that all K-Dramas have useless police officers 🙃 well, at least I think they will be useless, fabrice seems to disagree so it's up to you to form an opinion on that (and the dead guy that was played by Ali was shown dead in this episode) also, I'm sure the dead police officer fabrice is talking about is the one that has died at the end of this episode as well 😊