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Hey guys, today's Vincenzo reaction is going to be a single episode reaction, I'll do another episode later this week, hopefully by Friday/Saturday, so we're still going to be able to finish the show in the same time as we would if it was a 16 episode show, today's storm of new releases kind of prompted me to make this adjustment, I might do the same thing next week as well!

Have a wonderful week, ya"ll!! See ya soon!


crispy chicken

No problem. I never got the need to finish this in a certain amount of time anyway. It's all up to you

Esmeralda Valencia

Don't worry and take your time. Personally I don't care if it's one episode a week or two, as I've mentioned before for me it's like watching a series with a friend that no matter when we watch the episode I know I'll have a good time so I can wait.

Marcel Wannieck

No worries. I'm out on vacation this week anyway so I won't be able to watch anything until I return home on Sunday. So it doesn't really make a difference for me 😄

Nellie Z

Don't worry... leaving the USA for the couple of months so won't be able to watch much. Love your drama reaction so i wait with anticipation