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Lily Bujnak

i recommend you to watch all the dance practice to the song especially to supercharger since many people think it's much better than actual perfomance.. so after episode 10 you can either react to it or just watch it in your own time but i think you will not regret it another story i hate mnet for not called Matthew's parents to that meeting (also for some other trainees too) like yes i understant that some parents couldn't come from overseas but Matthew's uncle said they didn's even invited or called he that if they did she would 100% come... also them trying to evil edited Matthews and Hanbin's friendship was end for me like at first they were hyping up both Hanbin and Matthew and now this I WAS DONE! also En Garde perfomance was so great like the ending, those high notes omg love it even tho i loved supercharger more (it can be because I'm biased or i like the song more) either way there' so many talented boys here that i can't imagine bad perfomance anymore

Moonlight Is A Mixer

i wasn’t *TOO* surprised that woonggi pulled supercharger off well knowing his history in the kpop industry he used to be part of a group called TOO that had a bright concept (for the most part at least i didn’t really follow them), then some company problems happened (don’t exactly know what sorry) and they were managed fully by wakeone that rebranded them into a boy crush/badass group called TO1, so he was in that group for a couple of comebacks and slayed, but then he and other two members were kicked out and replaced because they “didn’t fit the concept” (btw officially they “left” but especially knowing wakeone and the fact that they got replaced by members that were less “cute” it’s pretty obvious) so yea i wasn’t too surprised since he did it before in his career, but you most likely didn’t know about this so it’s normal that you were a bit surprised that he did it

Lily Bujnak

No… and it’s heartbreaking that this doesn’t happen only with Matthew… that’s why you can see some of boys because just gather together and you can’t see them with parents… yes if the parents couldn’t make it at least someone close come like for example Jongwoo’s friends or Wang Zi Hao’s teacher or Hiroto if I’m not wrong has someone from company (ceo or stuff member) and ONEWE’s Dongmyeong come to see him🥹


I find it interesting you talking about possible regret or harsh decisions, but ultimately they are mostly just kids. Late teens/early 20s, still figuring out proper way to handle conflicts. Also a lot of them don't want to appear greedy on cameras as any form of "negative" (in quotes as greed is not necessarily always bad, but can be perceived that way) feeling can be easily exploited by msnake for the sake of drama. Tbh they are exploiting it even here, its just a misunderstanding and a bit of hurt feelings and they make it seem like whole friendship is falling apart, never to recover... I think both Hanbins and Matthews feelings were valid, they just needed little bit of time to resolve it, but instead we have dramatic bgm and cuts lol. I felt bad for Supercharger and Switch, they effectively had half the time to practice as others (1 week vs 2). Supercharger also got objectively weakest links (Ollie and Takuto are just really young and inexperienced, plus Ollie has a cast on his arm!). I think they still performed amazingly well! I think this whole En Garde training segment was made purely for drama. Were they late? Yeah, thats not good. But they really didnt perform that bad to get full on scolding lol, at least not from viewers (us) perspective. It was 100% played up for dramatic effect. Also... they be practicing to 4-5 am, and we are surprised they are late for practice at 10am? It's insane, I dont get how they are doing it. I think "lower" amount of points for top 1 trainee in the group stem from the fact that points are more spread. Aka Haruto in Supercharger was clearly next level in his group, En Garde was much more equal in skill among members. I really hope you will be able to keep avoiding spoilers for finale. When you get to ep 11 it would be interesting to hear your predicted top 9. Unless you already have it!

crispy chicken

- So even when you successfully managed to keep all your team members, you are still getting screwed by having to give up members? There's no winning, is there?Such a lame system. So now we have ppl who worked hard to learn a song and never get to perform it because they got eliminated, and we have ppl who worked hard to learn a song and never get to perform it because they had to switch... This is all really unnecessary imo. - I'm curious who you think will be top 9 at this point. - I also read "catching candles" - I also hate previews


Ignore people in the comments complaining. I came to watch and have a good time not to read complaints all day and here about Mnets evil editing and blah blah blah. I personally think this show is great and sure it has it's faults but not big ones. Especially with so called "Evil Editing" you have to be a certain way in order for you to be evil edited it's not pulled out of thin air. Especially with Krystian, trainees from the previous survival show said he was the exact same way on that show, so people need to stop blaming everything on mnet just because they want to protect their favs and hold them accountable.


Mnet clearly evil edited hanbin and matthew. Like,it wasn’t that bad. 2 episodes of matthew’s drama. People said that in this episode Matthew had 17 minutes while some other trainees had 0s screentime. And they thought that he is mnet’s favourite but I think that Mnet doesn’t want him in group anymore. In first episodes they loved him because of his friendship with hanbin,but now hanbin has hao,so they decided that they can cut matthew. I don’t like Matthew,but I hate how Mnet plays with kids.Jiwoong is great leader because he is more mature than most of the guys. Maybe that’s because his past. If u r interested you can google him. He was a victim of bullying,sa and etc

Marcel Wannieck

- This wasn't Yedam's first survival show either. He was previously on Loud which formed two groups: TNX under P Nation and another boy group under JYP that has yet to debut. Anyway, I hope Yedam finds a way to debut somewhere else. It'd be a shame to let his talents go to waste. - I kinda wish it was actually like that: the teams that need more members get to pick from the teams that have too many. Would make things a lot more interesting imo. - Yup, Jongwoo got fucked over. - „I wondered if I don't deserve to be loved.“ CHA WOONGGI YOU REMOVE THESE THOUGHTS FROM YOUR BRAIN RIGHT THIS INSTANT. - I feel bad for Haruto as well. He has so much on his plate here. - I actually understand why Seungeon gave up the main vocal position. It's for the benefit of the team balance, to improve the overall performance as a whole. - But yes, he absolutely should have tried for subvocal 1. Would have spared them a lot of drama later on. - Matthew fits subvocal 2 way better too. Like, he actually shines MORE in that part. But it seems like he just sees a smaller number for the length of the part and thinks he's immediately doomed because he gets a bit less time. - By the end of this show, Park Hanbin became my Top 1. Favourite contestant on this show. If I had watched the finale live, I would've given my one vote to him. - The crazy bastard was already learning Switch while he was still on team En Garde. It's like he planned this from the beginning. - THLETIC NER - Gunwook says that it's okay for Seunghwan to try for the killing part again but his dancing is more like „how fucking dare you 🔪“ - He's laughing now but if you try that trick again, Gunwook WILL kill you. Just you wait. - Yeah seriously, what the fuck was team Over Me thinking, kicking Jongwoo out like that. I consider this mutiny. - It must be crazy for them. Just two months earlier, most of these trainees were completely unknown. And now they have fangirls screeching in their faces :D - Shame they only showed three of the five games. - Goth Haruto - You're reminding me that I've had a Motionless in White song in my watch later for quite some time. I really should go and listen to it. - They could have gotten an amazing steak dinner for their parents and all they have now is gimbap. It's almost as if I were treating my parents to some gas station hot dogs - I have stood on stage in front of my parents. I can speak from personal experience: yes, this is very different from performing in front of strangers. - holy shit there is another kamden - „Why is he like that“ the eternal question about Kum Junhyeon. SuperCharger - Woonggi was already in my top 9 before this performance. - Bruh, it's only been 12 hours, what are Back Koo-young and Nino expecting? - DU... nah, not gonna do it this time :P But I feel like I'm cursed when it comes to Rammstein. Back in 2019 I tried to get tickets but they were sold out faster than the page could load. In 2022 I actually got a ticket but fell ill the day before the concert (like, properly bedridden, I could barely move) and I couldn't go. I also managed to get a ticket for this year but failed to realise that I had already booked a fixed vacation at that time, so I had to sell it again. Will I ever get to see Rammstein live? I really don't know. But they are the one band I absolutely need to see before I die. Above any Kpop group, honestly. - You're right, this totally could be an NCT 127 song. - NCT 127 does have a song called Superhuman! - Considering that they only had a week to prepare this performance, this was damn impressive. Was it perfect? No, but they should be really proud of what they achieved in such a short amount of time. - Takuto did everything he could, given his skills and stage presence but yeah, I don't disagree with putting him in last place here. - Haruto more than deserves this first place. He probably suffered the most in this entire team. En Garde - Am I missing something here? Why do I not understand your Pentagon joke? 😅 - Getting scolded by the masters is one thing, but by the production team? That's when you really fucked up. - And this is why I say that the two dance masters aren't that different. Choi Young-joon can be just as harsh as Back Koo-young. - I agree with your point that they should be getting some feedback from a master at least every other day. - I'm sorry but they completely fucking annihilated the SuperCharger team. - The only artist I can think of with „Say My Name“ is Ateez. - I swear, at some point Mnet will play half of a performance before finally faking us out.


I just wanted to voice my thoughts in regards of the whole Matthew story... I get that the leader has to make decisions and needs to be a little bit harsh sometimes, but I also get where Matthew is coming from. It's as if you practiced for your favorite part in e.g. a school play and 1 day before the show they tell you that you're not gonna play the 2nd lead role but instead the tree on the side of the road (yeah I know, a little exaggerated lol). Even if the other person is obviously better suited for your part you would be upset, irritated and asking if this is a joke; such feelings are normal and don't disapear right away. I know, I would be the most pissed looking tree the world would ever have seen *lol* If they didn't had a lesson 1 hour after the incident and more time to talk it out, I'm sure they had resolved it by themsleves. And it didn't help, that Mnet got the opportunity to make it a bigger issue as it was.