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1:07:00 I'm also surprised by the result for main vocalist : Team K's seemed to struggle during the entire song compared to smalls noticibles mistake by team G's. But yeah Team K's energy 👍

crispy chicken

- When they mentioned "Han Yu-jin", I was like: that sounds so much like "An Yu-jin" from IVE. And then you said you apparently have a thing for "Yu-jin"'s, and I was like: oh yeah, there's also Kep1er's "Yu-jin" 😄 - I really liked that K Backdoor performance. Great vocals, and great energy. - Does every choreo include an abs reveal part these days? 😅 - Ji-hoo was great. It's always such a pleasure to see someone really having fun while performing. - I was surprised by Hui's lower register. It sounded so good. I actually might even prefer it to his high belts (which are also great of course). - Man, I can't wait till they mix K and G together, and stop the needless (extra) competition. - It may be a small thing but I like how they announced that next week we will see who's gonna survive (positive) instead of who's gonna lose/be sent home/etc. (negative).


So lets gooo : BURN IT UP TEAM G-GROUP : Chen Ren You mistake with the arm..I understand this, sometime I have the same problem with some part of my body, it's just automatic, when he do it slower, he have time to think about it before doing it so he do the move well but during the choreography it's faster so it's became automatic. However, I don't think the mistake is that bad, I'm not sure I would have pay attention to it that much if it weren't for MNET pointing it out. Otherwise, his singing is 10/10 here XuanHao ended up catching my attention, it's suck MNET highlighted him just after the elim and when the votes were closing because I would have add him in my pick list maybe. The rappers of this team are so good, Kei and HYO did greatt (Kei is from a Japanese group EDAMAME BEANS and HYO is one of the Japanese trainee who should have done SHINE during the audition but couldn't idk why, he is know for being a big PENTAGON fan, he was doing Yuto rap during Shine when you watch their practice and he was so good with this rap part too) You were talking about their look, K-GROUP : K-GROUP were also really good, I have nothing to say about the vocal because it was great, it's a shame some of these members didn't get highlighted before. The weak part was the rap but they are youngs, literally childrens and when you see all the improvement they have done, the fact they started with 0 confidence I still want to applaud them. I heard one of them was actually an actor maybe that's why he wasn't confident at first (sometime company push actors or trainees who aren't trained enough to go because they still can gain popularity or skill, i'm not sure if it's his case) Also big applaud to Minseok for leading the team and help the youngest to gain confidence Both were good and both deserved the win. DANGER TEAM G-GROUP : I can understand why Yugeng may have disagree with Yangjun at first about how he was teaching. I feel like Yugeng didn't realise how he was acting during practice and how harsh he might have sound. It's happen to me too, sometime I do things / say harsh things without noticing it, it's after people tell me I think about it. He was was just anxious, last episode we could see he was the only one trying to be confident, I felt like he had a loott on his shoulder. However, I think it's better to fight than leaving things without talking so I'm glad they were a bit of "a fight" and after they ended up talking it out in another room calmly, it's a great thing to do and they end up understanding both sides very well. Yugeng totally caught me during the performance and same case as XuanHao, I would have added him in my picks list if they didn't released it near the end of the voting (It's always unfair how MNET do it, some trainees because their performance aren't aired in the first half lose potential votes) Yuto caught my eyes with his stage presence, he was so good with it. Also I applaud Yangjun, he was struggling but didn't show it which is really good K-GROUP : For this team, I felt like I didn't notice a lot of members, they were okay but that's it, something in the performance felt missing to me. Only Seunghwan really caught my eyes, he stole the show. Seunghwan is used to the stage, he was in the survival show UNDER19 with Wumuti and Jay (who are in LOVE ME RIGHT G-GROUP) and he ended up in the final group 1THE9, he had a rap part here but he is mostly a singer just to let you know. Junseo was okay, Daeul was okay. For Ichan, he is actually a great singer (he was in ILAND) but an amazing producer, the team who produced the theme song of BOYS PLANET is actually the producer team he is in. He did awesome ad-libs during the Mirotic audition but MNET cut him a bit. Also they didn't say it but during DANGER performance, Ichan was sick. As much as I love Seunghwan, in my opinion, DANGER G-GROUP TEAM should have won, both groups made the same mistakes but I feel like G-GROUP as a team shined way better, I actually liked their energy better and also more members of this team caught my eyes. I'm not really fond of this voting system, I never really liked having the public voting. Seunghwan was the best out of all the team yes but I dont really like the fact the whole team win because of this. It's like next mission, sometime someone win just because of popularity and because the public isn't neutral. That's why I liked GP999 where it was the judges decision, same I'm watching PEAK TIME right now and I love it because they have a panel of professionnal and judges who make the decision beside the fans votes for the benefice. Also I heard, MNET doesn't give the voting machine to everyone in the public (?) and another weird thing I heard when you apply to be part of the live audience that they pick, they ask you for your favorite trainee, nationality etc so I feel like it's really not neutral. BACK DOOR TEAM K-GROUP : I honestly have nothing to say. Just, you were just asking why Jongwoo got ONE STAR? I'm not sure if I said it before but the theme song HERE I AM is a set up for rappers or people with low range because the song is way too high. Remember how Jongwoo during Mirotic lowered his part? I feel like it's because low range. That's explain why he may have one star, its just that the signal song weren't for everyone. Also I'm not sure I commented this fact but I heard Ji Yunseo (one of the main vocalist here) is Nayeon (TWICE)'s cousin G-GROUP : 1st villain of BOYS PLANET, I named Krystian I don't know how much but yes they were some edit done on him. He is one of this popular chinese trainee who couldn't escape the MNET editing. First, the Dance master commentary, I will be direct : I didn't like it Maybe how they translated isn't right or I didn't understand it well but I didn't like what he said. In what way being feminine mean or is linked with the fact you aren't charismatic or you are weak ??? Even some STRAY KIDS fans stepped up because they did disagree to this commentary, they were pointing out that Felix sometime make it feminine but he still have the charism and it's still match the song. Honestly I personally didn't agree with the master comment but i'm not pro so yeah. Ricky is good but I don't think Krystian would have done a bad job. Honestly I can understand why some are greedy for the killing part so I won't mind it too much because they learn after that For the whole Krystian edit, MNET made it more dramatic than it is I think. When he is asking to mark the position, it's normal for him to do this, no idea why they made a whole drama about it. He just got a whole new part so he need adaptation and relearn, I feel like some of his mistake because he didn't learn his new part totally were highlighted as "he didn't like his killing part being taken so he doesn't make effort". Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I get. Some eliminated trainees stepped up after, defending Krystian on this since you know, they know the behind scene, saying he is sweet and some part were edited, when he watched the episode from what I heard, he broke down, I feel like he didn't want to be show like that, it wasn't his intention at all. Performance wise, they were okay but the K-GROUP were just too strong HOT SAUCE TEAM G-GROUP : I don't have much to say on this one. Osuke and Ollie were the best in my opinion from this group and Cai Jin Xin caught my eyes just visually I think. I didn't enjoy this stage that much honestly but the fact they weren't a lot mistake when most of them were 0 STARS is good. Also you were talking about the 0 STAR thing, yeah it's mean nothing especially if we think about the fact the signal song wasn't for everyone and some ended up in 0 star because they were sick or couldn't do the audition for some others reason K-GROUP ; What's good about Park Hanbin way of teaching, it's the fact, he take every members individually and ask the other to compare his move to the other trainee to see what they need to improve. He take details into account and I really like this because yes it's good to practice again and again but if you don't correct someone mistake and just repeat it, it can end up being a bad habit so I really like the fact he take time to do this. You can feel he is leader from his team already. Jihoo is so good, he was actually ALL STAR for his audition with Seobin (LOVE ME RIGHT K-GROUP) but MNET never showed it which suck. Totally agree with Team K-GROUP winning just feel bad for Osuke and Ollie because they did such a good job in my opinion. LOVE ME RIGHT TEAM I won't say too much on it, I just think technically K-GROUP was better but I don't know, I loved G-GROUP mood better. For me, there shouldn't have been so much difference in the results also in my opinion Haruto was robbed, he should have won the rap part. However I get it, Koreans tend to vote for Koreans trainees Next episode is elimination, I just want to warn you directly : During one segment, there is CULTURE APPROPRIATION also I'm not sure if you can call this bodyshame but at some point they are laughing about a minor body so it might be awkward.


Yeah, the BTS Danger vote was a bit weird. I love when people step up and lift other up. Big probs to the leader of the K-Hot Sauce team, and the "dance practice leader" of the K-Love me right team. And to the guy who forfitted the "killing part". I might even go as far as learning their names. Oh and Olli, the guts to just stand up and lead the dance practice while wearing that 0-star jersey. Kudos. Also, easy name to remember. 👍 Seeing this, I might have preferred some limited star system while picking teams, like Yugi-Oh or table top games. "Each team may only have 15 stars total." or something like that 😆

Jessica Danowski

Kim Ji Woong is the actor, he was in a couple of Korean BL's. I absolutely love him. He was the one that lifted his shirt during Back Door. He actually debuted before but the team fell apart because anything really happened. He's said he thinks this is his last time to debut. I hope he makes it.


You said Hoooey I’m dying 😂😭 H-WEE HW-EE like weeeeee with a “h-“ on the beginning. 😂😂😂😂


For me the thing that always shocks me is that Han Yu Jin is only 16. He comes off as older but he’s 16 and has only danced for a year.

Marcel Wannieck

I mean, to be fair, Hui IS written as 후이 (and not 휘) which is pronounced exactly as Daniel is doing it in this video.

Marcel Wannieck

So I haven't been able to watch ahead any more, so we're back to me watching this for the first time together with you :D - Imagine just being passed out on the floor and you wake up to seven Korean dudes being like „wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg?“ - Is this an iPad commercial? - wtf why are we not getting the other Love Me Right performance right now? - Damn, Minhyun probably hasn't performed that song in years. - Let's be real, Renyou's elbow mistake would be barely noticable if Mnet didn't draw this insane amount of attention to it. - Good job! You could tell they were struggling a bit in some parts but overall, this was really well done! - Yup, looks like Seyun has just given up. I don't know how much of that is Mnet's editing but that's not a good look. - And sometimes, someone just needs some help. Glad to see that things are getting better. - K team takes Burn It Up for me. That was CLEAN. - Oh god, Danger G team is looking messy. - Communication! It's important! - Decent. Some mishaps but they did well considering all their problems. - weird bear - I understand Daeul. I honestly don't know what I'd do in his position. - This is really concerning. This is the stage rehearsal which as far as I understand, is just one day before the actual performance. Danger K team really don't have time to get their shit together. - I don't know what Daeul did in that one day but he was great here! Ichan on the other hand sadly dragged the whole performance down quite a bit. For me this match goes to G team. - Ichan WON? I don't mean any offense to him but WHAT? - Can't say I agree with this result but good for them. - Oh shit, Minseong even has a similar vocal tone to Hyunjin there. - WHO THE FUCK IS THE GUY WHO JUST OPENED THE DOOR I NEED TO KNOW HIS NAME. - JONGWOO. - I think Jongwoo just earned himself a spot in my top 9. - Jiwoong, was that necessary? You can't turn me gay, I am already bisexual so stop trying! - And here we see the difference between the decent performances and the truly great performances. Back Door G team has a lot to live up to now. - I don't really know how this works but if Jongwoo isn't promoted to All Star after this, something is wrong here. - And after this performance I already have more than nine contestants I want in the final lineup. Fuck. - Ah, the G team is that one that just couldn't communicate. Hmm. - Krystian is getting a bit manipulative and I don't appreciate it. - Thank you for the reminder to be weary of Mnet's editing. I also just read one of the other comments and man, Mnet just can't leave the Chinese contestants alone, can they? - Ricky is good. The rest of this stage had some issues, probably stemming from how rough the training was. K team is the very easy winner here. - Holy shit, Jiwoong's gap. - Oooh let's go Hot Sauce. I saw NCT Dream on Monday and Hot Sauce is just such a banger. - I looked it up, Osuke is 164cm. - Hot Sauce is not an easy song, I fully empathise with his concerns. - That high note is sung by Haechan in the original. I think most of us know how insane of a vocalist he is. It's a difficult one for sure. - I probably have higher standards for this song in particular, as I JUST saw the original two days ago. - The main chorus lines need to be YELLED at the highest pitch possible. What G team is doing is just not high energy enough. - What the hell is with this rearranged instrumental in the bridge? - Ollie is great but the rest didn't impress me that much. Like I said, my standards are heightened because of Monday. - Damn, Park Hanbin is doing a lot here. - God damn it Doha 😂 - Kudos to Donggun for that high note, that was clean! - That was great. Jihoo, Park Hanbin, hell even Doha shone. K team wins this one for me. - So is showing your abs somewhat of a cheat code then? - Park Hanbin just takes the leader role very seriously. He's not cruel or anything but he makes you work and get everything out of you. - And FINALLY we're getting to the other Exo performance. Seriously, why did they split them up across two episodes? - It's so nice to see a team without much conflict :) - YES. Hui doesn't need to do ridiculous high notes! His lower (albeit still quite high) tones are so damn good! And most importantly, stable! - Ok I take that back, HUI GO OFF ON THOSE HIGH NOTES! - And now I'm VERY annoyed that both performances were not in one episode. Because I barely remember G team. I won't pick a winner, I'll just accept whatever the results are. - If I had to pick ONE team for Mcountdown, I'd go with Back Door K team. Ridiculous energy. - WHAT DID I SAY, HUH. - Next week: Fun! 🙂 The songs from this episode: - Wanna One – Burn It Up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwGqz8BhHho - BTS – Danger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bagj78IQ3l0 - Stray Kids – Back Door: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-uJtV8ScYk ✅ - NCT Dream – Hot Sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkKnp4SdE-w - EXO – Love Me Right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuqaVryDRd0