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These seem to be getting better because, I think, they've really gotten into the groove. They're always good on stage, but it can take some time to get used to the traveling, the different cities/countries, weather, food, venues, time zones, etc., etc. One thing I noticed, when I was traveling the world, was that, when you first stepped off of the plane, each city/country had a unique smell. I've never heard anyone else talk about it. Different vegetation, food, climate, it all creates their own aroma. Are you planning to react to the Baby Monster "introductions"? I'd recommend it, they're surprisingly good. But, I know that you have a very busy time going on.

Daniel Goland

I definitely plan on reacting to the introduction videos once all of them are released, I think the last one is coming on the 1st of March or something, so I'll probably do a big reaction first week of March :)


Hope you're feeling well. We're getting a LOT of rain here in California, which is good - we've been on a decades-long drought, and things were getting serious, so this will really help.


Sadly "The Happiest Girl" is not part of their set list for the tour. I think they may have thought it to be too serious of a song for a concert setting. But it would have been awesome to hear it done live.

Daniel Goland

That's great!! for me here in Israel it was the least Wintery Winter I experienced in years, this week is literally 28C during the day, that's April/June kind of weather, I think we barely got 3 weeks' worth of rain the entire fall/winter :( Get that rain!! 😁


I was surprised and glad you mentioned Differently Alike. I remember also before in the early days of your channel when we talked about Seoul Connection (Yetti) and Caitlin Benson and Jordan Orme. Yetti watched the London and Amsterdam shows. Differently Alike watched this particular concert, and they are in the VIP so they got to go to the send-off. The girls noticed Ozlem but not as a reactor; they noticed her hair because she wrapped pink LED lights on some strands and it looked so cool. Ozlem was so ecstatic and like over the moon. Even at their succeeding vids, she is still in shock and she tears up when she recalls how Rosé, who is her ultimate bias, noticed her and told her that her hair is so cute and that she likes it. She says "Rosé knows I exist" hahaha.