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36:53 Yes the dancing style with the arm movement that you were noticing is a genre of dance known as wacking


As far as Chaeyeon’s situation goes, you have to understand that the other street dancers don’t dislike or look down on idol for being idols. The pure fact of it is that the kind of dance training that Chaeyeon had received along with her idol train does not nearly compare to the level of dance that the other dancers are at. Like among idol Chaeyeon is certainly a good dancer but the rest of these guys are world renowned, they eat, sleep, and breath dance, it’s their entire career, Yell was even on the Korean Olympic team for break dancing. So it makes sense that they wouldn’t hold Chaeyeon to the same regard when she’s been dancing more as a hobbie for a couple of years where as they’re all professionals who’ve been doing this for most of their lives. This is even more apparent within the choreography Chaeyeon prepared. Being a dancer and being a choreographer are two completely different things and a lot of great dancers can’t choreograph to save their lives. It’s evident that Chaeyeon doesn’t have experience choreographing because her choreography ended up looking like more of a freestyle (which is common for beginner choreographers). It wouldn’t be so bad if she was performing herself, but there’s a certain art to choreography that, again, is not something you learn through idol training. So while they don’t dislike her for being an idol or look down on her for being a idol, they don’t have the same respect for her that they have for each other because she’s simple not at their level skill wise and experience wise. It some ways some of them might’ve even felt that it was disrespectful for her to come onto this show think that she was at an equal level with the rest of them when she likely hasn’t even been in a dance battle before joining this show.


First, a couple of things. The quick slap of what appears to be KT tape over the tattoos are just to satisfy some weird broadcast rule about showing tattoos. Also, you didn't miss an of the performances. They just recapped some instead of showing them in order to condense things a little. Now as far as the missions The problem with Simeez is she tried standing out too much. I don't quite know if I would call it over dancing but she put too much energy into her movements which is part of why she made that fumble. Her moves were some what jerky at times while Hailey and Chaeyeon were much more relaxed and had that 'center' look down. This is where Chaeyeon had the advantage over many of the others so I don't think they necessarily considered her an underdog here. She is inexperienced in creating choreo but the 2nd part of the challenge encompassed more than just being a good dancer. Facial expression and knowing your best camera angles are important when going for main dancer in an MV and I think the others have much more experience in being back up or live performance dancers.


The thing with Noze I didn't like bc it's one thing to do a little friendly trash talk but it was bordering on making fun of her. At the end of the day though, Noze gets the last laugh. That 'Hey Mama' dance went pretty viral. So many idols were doing it. The funniest ones to me were the ones of Han and Seungkwan and special shout out to my girls Heejin and Yeji in the the videos of them doing the choreo as well. I'm mostly unfamiliar with the last group except Moana and Emma and even then not much. Moana's not terrible at choreographing so I would like to have seen what she had come up with and Emma has grown a lot as a dancer. I've seen her a lot as a background dancer but she's certainly gained a lot of confidence over time. Oh, and lastly the song that Rihey danced to was Fu-gee-la by the Fugees. No idea what remix though.

Jared Mathews

If there was ever a kpop show to compare to fighting shows it's this one so I always appreciate it when you relate it to your background. I also never get sick of the Twice puns :) Rozalin does kinda look like Yoohyeon but it's probably just the hair. I don't know all the drama behind the battle with Lip J but getting the chance to battle with her former teacher clearly meant a lot to her so I'm glad she won. Lip J gave into her anger a bit too much so I honestly thought Rozalin did beetter. It seems you weren't surprised when mnet saved the Rihey Honey J battle for last after teasing it at the end of the last episode. I see you're catching onto some of mnets tricks but thinking you missed something when mnet started showing recaps of all the performances they didn't air was amusing. Mnet loves skipping over the actual dance battles/performances to save more time for drama and filler just like in GP999. I don't even like Chaeyeon and her choreo was definitely weak since she's not a choreographer but why was their reason for eliminating her choreo "you've had many opportunities" like wtf! Also Mnet only showed them eliminate hers and no one else's. I hope they didn't actually just eliminate Chaeyeons and then vote on the remaining 7 because that would be bs. I'm assuming that's just editing. The drama on this show stresses me out even though I've seen it before. Everyone saying they only picked Noze's choreo because it was the easiest to steal just made me like Noze more. Jokes on them because Noze's choreo went viral and was everywhere that year. I suspect you may have seen people doing that dance before but didn't know what it was. I feel like when competing for the main dancer if there isn't clearly anyone better than the choreographer they should win by default. They barely got into it with the pairs at the end but I really like Emma and Moana in this show. The YGX girls just come across as spiteful. Anyways I'm excited to finally get into the missions because the no respect thing was kind of meaningless. Loved the reaction as always but damn I don't remember this show being as long as GP999 episodes.

fabrice maire

ok maybe it's because i'm korean but my perception of respect is obviously different from that of a lot of people from western countries. I also watch a lot of combat sport and sports competition. for george st pierre i agree he all seems to be a good man. all like connor mc gregor all seem like an arrogant asshole. I understand as in some sport, arrogance and argne can bring a bit of peppers. but in korean culture this is a big disrespect. shows like queendom, kingdom, GP999 or the produce series show that people can be rivals or adversaries but keep a spirit of friendship and respect. I don't remember this episode but the way some dancer treat Chaeyoung or Noze is not respect it's just free trash talk. I remember that a lot of tension and animosity existed between certain dancers before the show. But that doesn't excuse certain behavior. I like competition, I like when there is a stake and a bit of tension, but not for free or badly. this show made me think of some western reality TV where the contestants spent their time yelling at each other or washing their dirty clothes. I felt sorry for Chaeyeon she is one of the best idol dancer of this generation and IZ*ONE is an incredible group I almost gave up the show along the way. any time some girls are very nice in real life, AIKI, NOZE, GABY, LEEJUNG. but many others are cowhides.


I totally agree with this, respect in Korean culture is totally different to western cultures This show always reminds me of Unpretty Rapstar - just unnecessary trash talk, comments and looking down on any idol that is taking part etc... It's no wonder some of them have a reputation of being total bitches with a "do you know who I am" attitude

fabrice maire

네 동의합니다. 하지만 언프리티 랩스타의 몇몇 시즌은 덜 폭력적이었다.


Iirc from what Jeff Avenue said he gathered Lip J was still mad after the battle because she knew she let her emotions get the better of her and so she didn't perform at her best and loosing is a lot easier to swallow if you know you actually gave everything you got.

crispy chicken

- what a coincidence, just like you I've also watched The Ultimate Fighter up until somewhere like season 10-12 🙂 - to be fair the animosity (towards Chaeyeon for example) quickly gets less in the first couple of episodes fortunately (the respect increases) - it's hard not to like Aiki. That's why she's on quite a few variety shows these days. - that quick "flicking" of the arms that Rian was doing (that reminded you of Yeji) is called Waacking. You saw a lot of it last week during LipJ and Peanut. - "shouldn't that be illegal?" taking the stage while it's your opponent's turn. Like you, I think it definitely should be. Interrupting is disrespecting the 'rules' of these battles. It certainly doesn't improve the quality of dancing (but that was kind of her point) - I really liked Rozalin. If LipJ would've won I wouldn't be mad about it either. - I'm not sure but I think that everybody had to battle their chosen opponent. So that's A LOT of battles. That's why I think they just selected some and didn't show the others. - with Lee Jung and Vicky you could once again see the flaws of this format: bumping into each other and both trying to dance as close to the judges as possible, blocking the other. I get it, but I don't like it. - I liked Noze's choreo the best as well (it became very popular for a reason), although not having finished it was pretty lame. - The choreo section is where I fell in love with Simeez. The main dancer section is where I fell in love with Emma. - Honestly, to me these main dancer sections were one of the most interesting of the entire show. Great dancing and interesting to see their differences. - HoneyJ's dancing was so sharp and powerful, I thought she would win, but I'm not mad about Noze winning either.


I think the fact it looked cool and was relatively easy is what made it so popular. Which tbh seems like the smart thing to do if you want to promote something the best way is to get it to be viral.

KyrainMcLeod (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-18 14:11:52 That song you were asking for? The original is Fu-Gee-La by the Fugees. (Lauren Hill > Beyonce, fight me) The Hip-Hop remix I think is by DJ BX. Don't ask my how I know, I had... "phases".
2023-01-15 18:54:17 That song you were asking for? The original is Fu-Gee-La by the Fugees. (Lauren Hill > Beyonce, fight me) The Hip-Hop remix I think is by DJ BX. Don't ask my how I know, I had... "phases".

That song you were asking for? The original is Fu-Gee-La by the Fugees. (Lauren Hill > Beyonce, fight me) The Hip-Hop remix I think is by DJ BX. Don't ask my how I know, I had... "phases".


My suspicion from the first show has been confirmed: The Judges mostly seem to score 90% for aggressiveness and "in your face" and 10% for dancing skill. That's not to say that the winners didn't dance really well, but that that wasn't the determining factor. They also favor the "bump and grind" moves that, I think, most Western dance experts would not. That might be because S. Korea is more sexually repressed than Western countries when it comes to blatant displays like that. Last word on the judges is that, with these "reality competition" shows, there's always going to be a subconscious bias towards making decisions that will enhance the show - causing surprise, building the drama, etc., so when it's close, it seems like you see that come through. These judges are not doing a bad job, they're doing what they're there for. All that being said, I enjoy the show, but I'll continue to wish that it would be less about creating drama and more abut letting the girls actually compete and then judging them on their dancing, but, you know...ratings. ;)


My take is if any of these dancers went on something like gp999 and maybe weren’t amazing singers/rappers and acted the same way that they do on, here I wouldn’t expect them to make exceptions for them or say “oh it’s okay because they’re used to it being like this” so I don’t expect them to make exceptions or ‘baby’ chaeyeon here either y’know?