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To your question at the beginning about Ah Reum being discharged from the hospital: No, the hospital can't force Ah Reum to stay in the hospital against her will. Its not a prison. "Forced hospitalization" because of "mental health" exists in theory but it's only for very limited cases (like immediate suicide risk or psychotic episodes) and usually only for short time periods (48 or 72 hours). It has very high legal requirements and is definitely nothing that could be used in Ah Reum's case. Additionally Ah Reum is given into the care of her parents not just "let go". EDIT: Regarding your discussion about Gang Tae "defending" Moon Young. In the last episode the hospital director briefly mentioned "self defense" but immediately had to admit that this was not self-defense. Of course we all empathize with Gang-Tae's "emotional impulse" wanting to defend Moon Young. But it was not self defense and it was not justified. Gang-Tae could have "defended" Moon Young (preventing further attacks) by simply restraining the attacker (no violence, pushing or punching involved) like he did with the father in the first episode. Thats what he is trained for.

crispy chicken

Yeah incredible acting (they both won awards for this series). At the incident where Gang Tae was suspended for you already raised the question"why didn't anyone else intervene?". And like you said: "MAYBE there was no one else around". At that final scene there were definitely people around. A lot of trained personel even. Yet still no one intervened. Especially Yuri could've said/done something. But also the head of the institution. Ah well, it's all to maximise the drama I guess.


The only thing a bit weird about that, is that not only was the discharge against doctors orders, but also against the patients will. Ah-reum looks to be of age and not impaired enough to justify a legal guardian. Then again I don't know the Korean legal prerequisites for that. Most likely just a case of oppressive family dynamics.


I have heard from a couple of Koreans, that the culture of "not getting involved in fights"/"not helping strangers during confrontations" is still common. This is supposedly especially true for "disputes" between couples / married couples. Although that should not count for care-taker personnel.


Gang-Tae really needs some help. Not only with his own past, but also with dealing with his brother. Gang-Tae never set sufficient boundaries for Sang-Tae, even though he should know better. I'd attribute that to "family blindness", meaning his personal relationship kind of overwrites his professional expertise. He has no problem telling Mun-yeong that she doesn't own him, he needs to tell Sang-Tae the same. On the attempted murder accusations... well, I doubt anyone really believed that. I was accused totally out of the blue by a patient of trying to kill her once. I hardly had any contact with her. Then again the same patient told the story of how her mother would cut of one of her fingers every time she did something wrong. She still had all of her fingers, obviously. She was a pathological liar, which I didn't know.


Yeah... i think family dynamics is the explanation. Even if she is of age and her parents arent her legal guardian... it is especially in korea engrained within the culture to respect and obey elders especially your parents. Her secret relationship with an alcoholic in a psychatric hospital might also be to shameful to bring up as reason why she wanted to stay at this hospital and not go with her parents to the us and find a new hospital there. Ah-reum looked very intimitated by her parents and didn't say a word. I doubt she would openly argue with them or express her wish to stay to the director against the will of her parents

Marcel Wannieck

- What a lovely trip that was, huh. - This is the wildest pizza ever with different toppings on each damn slice and you're taking issue with the pineapples? One slice has full corn on the cob on it so you can't even eat it like a normal pizza. - Yeah, I agree that A-reum shouldn't just have been discharged against her will. - Goddamn cockblocking deer ruins everything. - Oh my god, is Seung-jae really trying to set up Ju-ri with Sang-in? - Oh fuck, he's actually eavesdropping - Is Mun-yeong channeling her inner Man-wol with that outfit? - Would have been funnier if they played a fromis_9 song in the car - Man, you're getting very deep into the technicalities of what a phone camera app looks like. - Holy shit, they paid $145 for that taxi ride. - Lee Sang-in tries a bit too hard but you can tell that he means well. - Well, Gang-tae didn't technically lie on the phone there. - Wow, kids suck. - „Can't believe we're ending this on a positive note“ Me who sees that there's 20 minutes left to this reaction, with the knowledge of what's next: 😬 - Ok when they showed young Mun-yeong, I wish they also showed Gang-tae in his younger version there. The image of adult Gang-tae with child Mun-yeong is a bit sus in this context, ngl. - I really admire Jeong-tae's decision here. It's heartbraking of course but it's the right thing to do. The risk of relapse would have been way to high had he just run away with A-reum. - Ah shit, here we go. - Rule number 1: do not talk to me while I'm standing at a urinal. Ever. - Fucking idiot. - :( Gang-tae needs therapy. A LOT of therapy. Sang-tae too. Until he realises that Gang-tae is not his property. But it's Gang-tae in particular who really needs help. He has so much pent up trauma inside him and it's starting to really eat away at him.