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Happy new year guys!!!



lila22 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-18 14:14:30 I really enjoyed this show ( and youre reactions ) actually. i just binged watched it last month, cause i wanted to watch it before boys planet and i wanted to get into kep1er before there not gonna be a thing anymore, in a year. it was sometimes stressful and the editing was sometimes annyoing. but in generell i really liked watching this show, and getting to know the girls. i knew about bahiyyih cause txt is one of my fav groups, and i always heard about kais sister. and about the fact that she is the most popular kep1er member, but gets never really lines in songs, and is also ironically the most hated member. when i watched this show i didnt get why mnet didnt give her screentime, they probably didnt want her to make the group, and because of that i get why people are always like (she just made it,cause she is kais sister) and yes, thats manly true, but i dont get if people say she isnt talented. she never really sticks out, yes, but she also doesnt negativly, she dances and sings good. she is a funny and good person and honestly doesnt deserve the hate. its not her fault, that she is kais sister after all.
2023-06-05 13:52:30 I really enjoyed this show ( and youre reactions ) actually. i just binged watched it last month, cause i wanted to watch it before boys planet and i wanted to get into kep1er before there not gonna be a thing anymore, in a year. it was sometimes stressful and the editing was sometimes annyoing. but in generell i really liked watching this show, and getting to know the girls. i knew about bahiyyih cause txt is one of my fav groups, and i always heard about kais sister. and about the fact that she is the most popular kep1er member, but gets never really lines in songs, and is also ironically the most hated member. when i watched this show i didnt get why mnet didnt give her screentime, they probably didnt want her to make the group, and because of that i get why people are always like (she just made it,cause she is kais sister) and yes, thats manly true, but i dont get if people say she isnt talented. she never really sticks out, yes, but she also doesnt negativly, she dances and sings good. she is a funny and good person and honestly doesnt deserve the hate. its not her fault, that she is kais sister after all.

I really enjoyed this show ( and youre reactions ) actually. i just binged watched it last month, cause i wanted to watch it before boys planet and i wanted to get into kep1er before there not gonna be a thing anymore, in a year. it was sometimes stressful and the editing was sometimes annyoing. but in generell i really liked watching this show, and getting to know the girls. i knew about bahiyyih cause txt is one of my fav groups, and i always heard about kais sister. and about the fact that she is the most popular kep1er member, but gets never really lines in songs, and is also ironically the most hated member. when i watched this show i didnt get why mnet didnt give her screentime, they probably didnt want her to make the group, and because of that i get why people are always like (she just made it,cause she is kais sister) and yes, thats manly true, but i dont get if people say she isnt talented. she never really sticks out, yes, but she also doesnt negativly, she dances and sings good. she is a funny and good person and honestly doesnt deserve the hate. its not her fault, that she is kais sister after all.

fabrice maire

don't worry about HUI in girls planet several girls had made their debut and were in groups before participating in GP999 Yujin of course but also Jiwon (cherry bullet) DOAH (Fanatic) YESEO (buster) SEUGYEUN (Bavdit), Dayeon (Lipbubble) Cai Bin (KSgirls) . and many other from all the produces series show .it's usual in survival show to see members from groups in activity trying they're chance in that kind of program even or DC girls Yoohyeon ,Dami and Jiu as DC participated in a survival show ( mixnine)

fabrice maire

you see DG may have challenged MNET's method but all the editing they did was to build this final. at this time normally we are attached to all these girls and wish the best for them. If MNET had set up a group at the NCT, we could have had 2 groups, 2 units of 9 girls and each year they could have had a comeback at 18, that would have been incredible. they could also have done like EXO a Kep1er korea unit and Kep1er china unit .or kep1er japan.

fabrice maire

yes the sound track of this finale are incredible, it looks a bit like the music in the Mass Effect games. - the music during the announcement of the winners is very similar to the theme and the soundtrack of the Halloween movies - imagine DG all those like me who followed the live show wanted to bang their heads against the walls so much they raised the tension. - I agree a lot of combinations would have worked for Kep1er but at that time of the show at the time I was convinced that Xiao ting, Hikaru, Dayeon, Mashiro, Yujin and Yurina would be in the group since the first episode. but then I had many candidates Yeseo, Yongeun, Fu-ya-ning, Wen zhe, Su ru who, Myah. this final was a roller coaster for me to see Xiao ting lose first place and be narrowly selected, the elimination of Yurina, to see only one Chinese member despite the talent of these girls. Bahiyyih's qualification to see her so high in the top 9 made a lot of talk, it was really very shocking, she had very little screen time and didn't particularly shine. but in the end happy for her. And to see so many Korean members in the group surprised me. - the biggest twist of the finale was Chaehyun's victory. I thought I would see her or Bora in the final line up but rather in 8th or 9th place. and the shock is Xiao ting's last place. she dominated the show from start to finish and finished last!!!!!!! . to be completely honest, this final caused me to sweat. congratulations to all the members of Kep1er

fabrice maire

i think i cried more for Myah than her for herself so close .

crispy chicken

- Yeah, Hui joining as a contestant on Boys Planet was also shocking to me. "But Pentagon is still around". CLC was also still around. Granted, they hadn't put out new music for a long time but they weren't disbanded, and therefore it was also a big shock when Yujin joined Girls Planet. Funny that both are under Cube... coincidence? - That "Skrr Skrr" will never not be funny :D - The "Beef tartare" they were having is called "Yukhoe" (yook-he). I finally tried it like 2 months ago. I was really surprised by how cold it was, like near-frozen. It's not minced meat though, it still has structure. You eat it with a raw egg. It was... ok. Not my favourite. - It's a survival show because not everyone who watched this show made it through the grueling 1h30min of endless ranking results. - "Sounds like Interstellar". I really enjoyed that tune as well. Made me think of Stranger Things, but I can definitely hear Interstellar as well. - The "M" in Mnet stands for "Milking". I felt like I was being trolled by an endless loop video. - How did I feel when Bahhiyih was announced? Shocked, flabbergasted, stunned, disappointed, sad, angry. Not angry at her of course, she just did her best. But I would have picked EVERY other top 18 contestant (and more) over her. So I felt very sad and angry for the ones that didn't make it: Yurina, Bora, Suyeon, Ruiqi, Yaning, Shana, Myah, Wenzhe, Xingqiao. This was like the nail in the coffin for me that something "fishy" is going on. It could be rigging in some form, but at the very least a lot of votes were cast not based on quality, or even popularity (like Hsin Wei. Was she very skilled? No. But at least she was very funny and very loved by the others, and the camera). - Xiaoting 9th is like the 2nd shock. Do you remember the enormous gap in points in previous round? Like she had 40mil while number 2 had something like 15mil. Where did that go? That vote weight distribution (50% Korea 50% rest of the world) is SUCH A SCAM. At least scam consistently across all episodes mf-ers. - Suyeon and Myah being candidates are not that surprising if you consider that crooked vote weight distribution in combination with that they are Korean. I mean, for me, I'm not mad at all that they are candidates but with that crooked system I can't be really happy for them either. You start to wonder was it REALLY deserved? Were they REALLY that close to top 9? Not that it matters much in the end cause only top 9 get to debut.


Preface: I like Kep1er. Every girl in Kep1er deserves to be there. Their music and secondary content is really fun. I was kinda shocked about the final point distribution. GP999 was marketed as an "international" show, however rank 1-6 were Korean, 7-9 were foreigners. The "international" Kep1er has less foreign members than Twice, proportionally less foreign members than Le Serrafim, ()-Idle and (given that you go by birthplace) even Blackpink. I'm just happy that these survival shows also work as auditions or in sports terms, rookie drafts, for the girls and many find other opportunities.

Jared Mathews

Thank you so much for reacting to this show! Re-watching it with you has been great. I'm still sad that Yurina didn't make it. She placed 1st and 2nd and never messed up or got evil edited but yet she didn't get any votes in the finals. I still can't believe Shen Xiao Ting who ranked 2nd, 1st, and 1st in the 3 preliminary rankings barely got 9th place. I feel bad for all of the C group contestants as only the person in 1st place before the show started made it into Kepler. I'm honestly glad that Kim Suyeon didn't make it even though she's my favorite K group member because Billlie is incredible. She even debuted before Kepler :) Watching this live was traumatizing. I always tried to not get too invested into temporary groups like IZONE and IOI but watching this live got me so invested into almost all of the girls that when certain members that seemed obvious from episode 1 didn't get in I kinda wished that Mnet had rigged it. I try to check out the other contestants when they debut but most of them are ending up in small groups that are unlikely to make it. So I'm expecting to get destroyed again. In the end I like Kepler but I don't stan them so I'll be okay when their short contracts are up. I'm looking forward to where they'll all end up in about a year and a half. I'm sure I won't learn my lesson and be back when Girls Planet season 2 happens :) It's been great reading everyone's comments and interacting with this community! I look forward to the next show. Happy New Year Everyone!


That's funny how BAHIYYIH ranked #2 and having the least lines and screen time in kep1er, Fu*k you mnet


I was so happy for BAHIYYIH debuting, I was just voting for her the whole time, she doesn't deserve all the hate she gets, and I hope all her haters stay mad because her success 😋

Marcel Wannieck

- Happy new year and happy 1st anniversary to Kep1er! Starting things off right with three grueling hours of Mnet's bullshit 😃 - Whoops 😅 - Not only is Hui still a part of Pentagon, the group is still very much active. Unlike CLC who were pretty much disbanded already. Heck, I'm seeing Pentagon at a Festival several weeks after Boys Planet starts airing. I really hope Hui is gonna be there... Is it weird to say that I don't want him to win? Hui just got back from the military and I don't want him out of Pentagon for even longer. - Though members of active groups participating in shows like this is not unusual. Jiwon, May and Bora of Cherry Bullet were on GP999 for example. Companies will send their idols on shows like this, not even necessarily to win but to get a big attention boost for their groups. - Oh hey, I forgot that the other contestants were invited to be in the audience :) - Suyeon saying that she was preparing for debut only confirms that she was always planned to become a part of Billlie. - Jiwon and May sitting there together, probably cheering on Bora :D - Wth, Sunmi even dyed her eyebrows purple - Oh god, the milking already begins. - I recognise that practice room from the demo version of Shine. Dreamcatcher filmed their dance practice for Scream there. - Gotta love a good old unfair line distribution - I actually didn't like the name Kep1er when I first found out about it. It was like "Really? A girl group named after Johannes Kepler?" The name was just so inherently male to me. I know that surnames aren't gendered but this is obviously inspired by the astronomer and I just had the image of this 17th century bearded man in my mind. - Good question about the blurred cameras. I know that you're not allowed to show any brands on TV unless you're sponsored by them but professional cameras don't have brand names plastered all over them so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. - Nope, not doing it. I'm not picking a favourite team here. - Suyeon: "I am speed" - Another Dream is beautiful and a perfect last song to this whole show. - If they're gonna throw a party for them, they should at least adjust the lighting a bit so it doesn't so obviously look like a practice room. Honestly zero atmosphere in there. Even Squid Game did it better and that was a much more literal *survival* show 😅 - Hopefully noone's using a car door to do unspeakable things - I love that Shana's dad just shows up in a Spongebob shirt - Ah damn, I forgot about Wen Zhe's mum :( - Man, with how much you love Bora, you really need to check out her group Cherry Bullet! - It's not just this show, even in Kep1er, Bahiyyih barely gets any lines. Alright, before we get into ranking torture, I just wanna talk about who I would have picked for Top 9. Let me preface this by saying that I adore Kep1er in its current form and I would never want to switch out the members now. This is just going off of the show. A what if I didn't know the final lineup. I would have gone for an even distribution. Three girls from each country. From Korea: Choi Yujin, Seo Youngeun and Kim Dayeon. From Japan: Kawaguchi Yurina, Ezaki Hikaru and Sakamoto Mashiro. From China: Shen Xiaoting, Fu Yaning and Wen Zhe. The candidates from Japan and Korea were very easy picks for me. Yurina always should have been in Kep1er. I don't think I need to explain why. For Yaning it would have been such a beautiful ending. The "beef" with Yujin in the first episode to actually debuting with her. And I just love Wen Zhe a lot. I can't explain it, I just do. For Korea I stuggled a lot. Yujin was the obvious pick but everyone else? Man, there are so many that would have deserved to debut. Ultimately I went with Youngeun who is just an insane allrounder and Dayeon for her amazing leadership and other skills she has shown here. But man, it hurts leaving out someone like Chaehyun in particular. If it was a 12 member group like IZ*ONE, just keep the final Kep1er lineup and add Yurina, Yaning and Wenzhe :D - Imagine Chester Bennington's vocals coming in right now 😂 - Sometimes I feel like Yeo Jin-goo just zones out and that's why it takes so long. - And here we have it. The LONGEST survival announcement in survival show history. It took Yeo Jin-goo four fucking minutes to say the two words "Sakamoto Mashiro". - I'm only sticking around because I'm watching this over the course of three separate days. I can't take all of this in one sitting 😅 - "Well obviously Xiaoting is gonna be one of [the rank 1 candidates]" SYKE. - I would know about live television not always going smoothly. I was once in the audience for a live TV show and it ended up with a contestant being hospitalized and paralyzed from the neck down. The opposite of fun times 😬 - Bahiyyih is insanely popular but also insanely hated at the same time. Some of the stuff I've seen thrown around about her online is actually psychotic. - This is what happens when you give Koreans the same voting power as THE ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED. - Suyeon missed the final lineup by 50,000 points. But honestly, between her and Xiaoting, I am very glad that it was Xiaoting. I mean, how messed up would it have been if this show produced a group without even one single Chinese member? And it's arguably the better outcome for Suyeon too. Billlie is a much better fit for her than Kep1er would have been. - And Myah is still so damn young, she will for sure get to debut sometime in the future. - This isn't milk anymore, this is 24 month aged parmigiano reggiano. - In hindsight, Suyeon's final speech is actually kinda funny because she ended up debuting about a month before Kep1er. And her group is gonna be around much longer while Kep1er will disband in a year and a half. - Ok, now where's the group comprised of the other 9 girls? Suyeon, Myah, Yaning, Ruiqi, Yurina, Bora, Shana, Wenzhe and Xingqiao would make an amazing group in their own right! Here's an interesting thing. The lineup would have been quite different if international votes were worth the same as Korean votes: 1. Huening Bahiyyih 2. Sakamoto Mashiro 3. Seo Youngeun 4. Choi Yujin 5. Shen Xiaoting 6. Fu Yaning 7. Su Ruiqi 8. Ezaki Hikaru 9. Kim Chaehyun Still no Yurina tho 😅

Marcel Wannieck

Alright, here we go. For one last time I'm giving you an overview of what everyone who didn't make it into the final lineup has been doing after the show. #18: Huang Xingqiao is active on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorinaxxq/. My source also states that she is releasing solo music but they didn't link anything and I haven't been able to find it. #17: Wen Zhe was actually already part of the Chinese girl group Hickey before coming to GP999. From what I could find on Spotify, they only released a single and an EP in 2019. Maybe there was more after this that didn't come to Spotify but I can't check that because I do not speak Chinese. But this is one of their songs I was able to find on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrZHmscmq6Q I also just listened to it for the first time. Pretty spicy if I do say so myself 😅 But it seems like the group has been inactive for a while. I haven't seen them release anything after GP999. Wen Zhe is still active on Instagram though: https://www.instagram.com/xdoudou97/ #16: Nonaka Shana debuted in June 2022 as the leader of Lapillus. I think you know the rest :D #15: Kim Bora returned to Cherry Bullet as their main vocalist. While she didn't make it into Kep1er, I think that her participation on this show gave her quite a big popularity boost. I was lucky enough to see Cherry Bullet back in July and when they did their individual introductions, Bora was the one who easily got the loudest cheers. I already told you about Love So Sweet when another one of the members got eliminated but CheBul also had a comeback after GP999. Love in Space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQ3c2TAbH8 That was 10 months ago though and we didn't get much else after this. FNC needs to get their shit together and promote Cherry Bullet better. After Love in Space, P1Harmony got two full comebacks and SF9 had a comeback with another one coming up very soon. Nothing announced for CheBul. At least they're coming back to Europe for the second MIK Festival but they won't have any new music to showcase :/ Still, with how much you loved Bora here, I highly recommend you check out Cherry Bullet on YT. Love So Sweet is my personal favourite but Love in Space is also great and it features Bora more prominently. They probably realised how popular she became from GP999 and thus put more focus on her. She also has her own Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/color_of_bora/ #14: Kawaguchi Yurina basically said „Fine, I'll do it myself“ and debuted solo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp5JJCJgrfk She seems to be doing quite well in Japan :) Here's her Insta: https://www.instagram.com/kawaguchi_yurina_official/ #13: Su Ruiqi is technically still a member of Cpop group Chic Chili but they haven't released anything since 2019. These days she's focused on her solo work where she also goes by the name Sury Su. And I gotta say, this is some GOOD stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTug0qjAfRM Recently she was able to perform at the Metamoon Festival in NYC along with some other big Chinese artists like EXO's Lay Zhang and Amber Liu from f(x). And finally, her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sury_777/ #12: Fu Yaning is also releasing solo music. And holy fuck does it hit hard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_KY4gP5UtA And of course she's very much active on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fuyaning_fyn/ #11: Guinn Myah is a trainee under TOP Media (Up10tion, MCND). But apparently there are rumors going around that she has left that company and is gonna be an upcoming member of tripleS. Only time will tell. Would be pretty awesome though. #10: Kim Suyeon went back to Mystic Story where she joined Billlie. The GP999 finale was probably too close to Billlie's actual debut Ring X Ring but her joining was announced only a week after that debut. Her first song with Billlie was the special Christmas release Snowy Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9pAsuLD1uU (which is also important to the lore of Billlie btw) When she was added to Billlie, her stage name was changed to Sheon (pronounced like the verb „shun“). Billlie already had a member called Suhyeon and the name change was made to avoid confusion between the two. Going forward, I will also be referring to her exclusively as Sheon and not Suyeon. And a further update about one other previously eliminated contestant. Kamimoto Kotone was just revealed as the 11th member of tripleS. She was the Japanese member in the VVS performance in episode 7 where she called out Mnets favouritism in her original lyrics. Also, you might have heard about iKON leaving YG and joining a new agency called 143 Entertainment. That's the label that Mashiro and Yeseo are in. They're technically now labelmates of iKON :D 143 is in the process of debuting a new girlgroup called Limelight. They already released a predebut EP with their current three members, one of which also competed on GP999. The group is said to have an unlimited amount of members, so it's very likely that Mashiro and Yeseo will join Limelight after Kep1er disbands next year. And that's it for now! Thank you for letting us be part of your Girls Planet 999 journey!